搜尋:F?? 在 繪畫 分類當中


宋人黃鶴樓圖 軸

宋人黃鶴樓圖 軸

story has it that Fei Wen-wei of Shu became an immortal and rested here while riding a yellow crane.....more

宋錢選畫牡丹 卷

宋錢選畫牡丹 卷

of exceptional quality, far surpassing the ordinary. In this painting, there are two peonies, one red.....more

五代後蜀黃筌勘書圖 軸

五代後蜀黃筌勘書圖 軸

mostly did bird-and-flower subjects but few landscapes). The forms are outlined in brush and ink in what.....more

集古名繪 冊 宋李唐大江浮玉

集古名繪 冊 宋李唐大江浮玉

topped by a tile-roofed building and the other simply bearing a few trees.....more

五代後蜀丘文播文會圖 軸

五代後蜀丘文播文會圖 軸

漢人。又名潛。初作釋道人物,兼繪山水。 (20110913)&* In 556, Emperor Xuandi of the Northern Qi ordered Fan Xun along.....more

唐王維江干雪意圖 卷

唐王維江干雪意圖 卷

. Lines of wild geese fly in the sky over the river to give this lonely, silent scene a hint of life.....more

唐范瓊畫大悲觀音像 軸

唐范瓊畫大悲觀音像 軸

. The signature of Fan Ch'iung in the lower left led Ch'a Shih-piao and Chang Ch'ou of the Ch'ing.....more

元高克恭林巒?雨圖 軸

元高克恭林巒?雨圖 軸

, Mi Fu (1051-1107) and Mi Yu-jen (1075-1151) of the Sung dynasty. His achievements were far beyond.....more

元陶復初畫秋林小隱 軸

元陶復初畫秋林小隱 軸

gained fame for his bamboo paintings, few of these remain. This painting depicts a landscape.....more

元張中寫生花鳥 軸

元張中寫生花鳥 軸

is filled with graceful coloration, the painting doesn't fit into Chang's style. We may presume that a later.....more

元人畫夏墅棋聲 軸

元人畫夏墅棋聲 軸

or five figures accompanied by servants. The trees depicted in each of the scrolls, such as willow, fir.....more

元人應真參妙圖 軸

元人應真參妙圖 軸

碧設色,莊嚴古厚,對之如參淨域。幅上無作者款印。&*Two lohans sit between a rock and tree. One holds a feather fan, the other.....more

元人夏景戲嬰 軸

元人夏景戲嬰 軸

of pomegranate blossoms. The boy in blue holds a fan decorated with the Five Pestilences associated.....more

元盛懋山水 軸

元盛懋山水 軸

that look like fishnets. Mountaintops with clusters of a few gathered alum lumps also appear.....more

元柯九思畫大士 軸

元柯九思畫大士 軸

of the moon on the surface of the water below. The artist used just a few strokes to outline the drapery.....more


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