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清蕭雲從臨馬和之陳風圖 冊 澤陂

清蕭雲從臨馬和之陳風圖 冊 澤...

his own style of painting. His paintings of T’ai-p’ing Mountain and his illustrations of Ch’ü Y.....more

清蔣廷錫畫敖漢千葉蓮 軸

清蔣廷錫畫敖漢千葉蓮 軸

陰暗的區別,使得畫面較為呆板刻劃。畫木質瓶座具有西洋透視法的立體感,相當寫實。此圖有可能是其門生代筆之作。 &* Chiang T’ing-hsi (style names Yang-sun.....more

明錢穀白嶽遊圖 冊

明錢穀白嶽遊圖 冊

. Traveling by boat on the Fu-ch’un River, he passed by T’ung-lu and Ch’un-an. He then traveled.....more

晉王羲之大道帖 卷

晉王羲之大道帖 卷

shown here, so some connoisseurs believe this to be a T’ang dynasty (618-907) copy. On the other hand.....more

宋人法書(三) 冊 宋趙鼎書劄子

宋人法書(三) 冊 宋趙鼎書劄...

is a simplified version of a directive. In the T'ang dynasty it was called a pang-tzu or lu-tzu.....more

清惲壽平畫湖山小景 冊 石畔古梅

清惲壽平畫湖山小景 冊 石畔古...

; sobriquet Nan-t’ien) was a native of Wu-chin, Kiangsu. His original name was Ke, but was later known by his.....more

宋高宗書孝經馬和之繪圖 冊 諸侯章(畫)

宋高宗書孝經馬和之繪圖 冊 諸...

of these paintings reveals them to be closer in style to that Li T'ang and Hsiao Chao, two other leading court.....more

元趙孟頫鮮于樞墨蹟合冊 冊

元趙孟頫鮮于樞墨蹟合冊 冊

” in New History of the T’ang about P’ei’s achievements in calligraphy. The characters here are brisk.....more

清惲壽平畫禹穴古柏 軸

清惲壽平畫禹穴古柏 軸

at Mirror Lake near Ch’ien-t’ang (Hangchow). The old age and twisting forms of the tree are conveyed well.....more

宋四家墨寶 冊 宋蔡襄書尺牘 

宋四家墨寶 冊 宋蔡襄書尺牘 

of calligraphy, Ts'ai Hsiang studied the styles of Yü Shih-nan and Yen Chen-ch'ing of the T'ang.....more

宋諸名家墨寶 冊 宋蔡京書尺牘 

宋諸名家墨寶 冊 宋蔡京書尺牘...

along the way in T'an-chou at the age of 79. Ts'ai Ching began his study of calligraphy following Ts.....more

元高克恭畫春山晴雨 軸

元高克恭畫春山晴雨 軸

ancestry, was from Ta-t'ung but later lived in Wu-lin. His style name was Yen-ching and his sobriquet.....more

元王淵松亭會友圖 軸

元王淵松亭會友圖 軸

, and that of the T'ang masters for figures. Two figures, a host and a guest, are visible in a pavilion.....more

元趙孟頫畫淵明歸去來辭 卷

元趙孟頫畫淵明歸去來辭 卷

. Here, T'ao Yüan-ming is strolling home with his staff in hand. With him are two servants; one.....more

五代董源江堤晚景 軸

五代董源江堤晚景 軸

,且山石作披麻皴,都是董源風格的特徵。畫中綠波粼粼青山高,酒帘靜處馬蹄輕,一片春意駘蕩。本幅為張大千先生遺贈。&*Tung Yüan, a famous Southern T'ang.....more


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