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共找到 33 筆符合的資料
明文徵明仇英合摹李公麟蓮社圖 ...
,慧遠致書陶潛,邀請參加,陶潛答曰:「許我酒就來。」慧遠答應。陶潛每來社中,或時才至,不久卽攢眉而去。幅中乘籃輿者卽是陶潛。幅中設色,用筆均去文仇水準頗遠,為後世託名。 &*After Li Kung.....more
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明仇英群仙會祝圖 軸
,各投以紙驢、玉版、鼓、竹罩、俱得渡。是謂八仙過海,各顯神通,依畫風為明末清初作品,非仇英。&*Group of Immortals Offering Blessings Ch’iu Ying (ca.....more
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明人集繪 冊 清藍深仿李成南山...
」冊中,該冊之畫多作於是歲夏日,顯見係明末清初杭州一帶知名畫家應邀所作之集冊,惜冊中無收藏題記,難以得知畫作之背景。&*Imitating Li Ch’eng’s “Eternal Autumn.....more
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色彩:墨色 技法:寫意 主題意涵:寫景 表現題材:竹 版權:中國文化大學華岡博物館 畫心尺寸:107�33.5cm 基底材:紙 型式:靜態圖像 本名:李涵英 譯名:Li Han-ying 數位化執行.....more
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明李宗謨蘭亭修褉圖 卷
代晚期,所受明中期著名畫家影響,是理所當然。 &*Wang Hsi-chih at the Orchid Pavilion Li Tsung-mo (fl. 16th -17th c.) Ming.....more
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明鄭重十八應真像 冊 應真像(...
,通幅以墨漬染濃雲密霧,形容出大自然神祕恐怖,不可意測的景象。&*Cheng Chung (style name; Ch'ien-li)was native of She-hsien,Anhwei.....more
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宋郭熙關山春雪圖 軸
was an excellent Painter of landscapes. Though he modelled his works on those of Li Ch'eng (916-967), his.....more
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宋劉松年唐五學士圖 軸
'ung Ying-ta, Li Hsü-tao, Fang Hsüan-ling, and Su Hsü at a literary gathering.....more
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明劉度仿趙承旨長春翠柏 軸
school master Lan Ying, achieving his method to which Liu added the ancient Tang and Song methods of Li.....more
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清王雲仿李營丘寒林鴉陣圖 軸
and buildings were very similar to those of the famous Ming artist Qiu Ying, and he also did “sketching ideas.....more
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明陶成菊花雙兔圖 軸
;eh and Mao-hsüeh, and the sobriquet of Yün-hu shan-jen. He came from Pao-ying in Kiangsu.....more
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明文徵明畫扇 冊 棘枝雙雀
, his calligraphy style was based on that of Li Ying-cheng and his painting was under Shen Chou’s.....more
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明仇英松亭試泉圖 軸
濃郁的生活雅趣及文人氣質,也正是明人注重品茗環境的具體表現。 &*Tea Made from Spring Water in a Pine-shaded Pavilion Ch’iu Ying (ca.....more
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