搜尋:vases 在 書畫 分類當中


明人五王醉歸圖 軸

明人五王醉歸圖 軸

women attendants hold vases of wine, and a male attendant steadies a lamp. This anonymous painting.....more

宋蘇漢臣重午戲嬰圖 軸

宋蘇漢臣重午戲嬰圖 軸

the lounge to catch the fish swimming in glass vases. Two others are playing with tops. Another, wearing.....more

宋人戲貓圖 軸

宋人戲貓圖 軸

are two flower vases with branches of coral, a large three-lobed vase, and two lacquered boxes.....more

明邊文進歲朝圖 軸

明邊文進歲朝圖 軸

in the new, it is also the season for decorating halls with vases of flowers to express an atmosphere.....more

明吳彬歲華紀勝圖 冊 結夏

明吳彬歲華紀勝圖 冊 結夏

of the water. On the table is an offering of fruits with lotus blossoms in vases and bronzes. A light.....more


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