搜尋:straw 在 書畫 分類當中


清冷枚耕織圖 冊 持穗

清冷枚耕織圖 冊 持穗

of straw are arranged into piles to form haystacks. Above to the side is a squatting figure holding.....more

宋許道寧畫雪景 軸

宋許道寧畫雪景 軸

all withered, only hoary pines standing tall. On a snowy river, old fishermen in straw raincoats.....more

清金廷標鍾馗探梅 軸

清金廷標鍾馗探梅 軸

invited Chin to serve as a court painter. Chung K’uei wears an official cap with a straw trim. Carrying.....more

明倪端捕魚圖 軸

明倪端捕魚圖 軸

into the water.A fisherman, wearing his bamboo hat and straw raincoat, hauls up his net. Autumn frost.....more

明文伯仁松岡竹塢圖 軸

明文伯仁松岡竹塢圖 軸

of this painting is a monk wearing a straw cap as he walks with a staff about to enter a monastery.....more

明戴進風雨歸舟 軸

明戴進風雨歸舟 軸

雨景 竹 茅草屋 篷舟 橋 傘 蘆葦 寒林.枯樹 行旅 農夫 江河、湖海 漁夫、船夫 國立故宮博物院 故宮書畫錄﹝卷五﹞,第三冊,頁294&*故宮書畫圖錄,第六冊,頁97-98&*1.〈明戴進風雨歸.....more

明吳彬畫魚籃觀音 軸

明吳彬畫魚籃觀音 軸

of Kuan-yin of the Fish Basket, she wears straw sandals and holds a sūtra scroll as a child.....more

明唐寅高士圖 卷

明唐寅高士圖 卷

in attendance. Next to a round stool is a straw mat with paper, brush, books, inkstone, and other objects.....more

五代人雪漁圖 軸

五代人雪漁圖 軸

against the cold. His bamboo hat and straw coat are covered with snowflakes to suggest bone-chilling.....more


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