搜尋:stalk 在 書畫 分類當中


明朱先草蟲 軸

明朱先草蟲 軸

, but did not use precise brushwork. He often used a reed or a stalk of wheat as his brush. Nonetheless.....more

民國溥儒玉堂富貴 軸

民國溥儒玉堂富貴 軸

and depicts a single flowing stalk of it in the “sketching-ideas” method using “boneless” washes.....more

民國徐悲鴻墨竹 軸

民國徐悲鴻墨竹 軸

. The bamboo stalk was done with ink wash in the middle and thicker brushwork for the outlines, creating.....more

宋文同墨竹 軸

宋文同墨竹 軸

is a representative example from the Northern Sung. Here, a stalk of bamboo done.....more

元人嘉禾圖 軸

元人嘉禾圖 軸

-laden stalk of grain used to be considered a talisman. This painting displays a large clump.....more

元人嘉穀鳴禽圖 軸

元人嘉穀鳴禽圖 軸

in the lower left corner, one has its head down pecking at seeds and the other looks up at a stalk. A sixth.....more

元人畫葦渡圖 軸

元人畫葦渡圖 軸

him standing on a reed stalk, his robes fluttering in the wind as he crosses the river waters.....more

清王武雪蕉圖 軸

清王武雪蕉圖 軸

竹 芭蕉 國立故宮博物院 石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2165&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁93&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十冊,頁97-98&*王武(西元一六三二-一六九○年),字勤中,號忘庵.....more

宋緙絲荷花 軸

宋緙絲荷花 軸

of brushwork and color washes. For example, ink was used to outline such areas as the flower petal, stalk.....more

民國吳湖帆竹石 軸

民國吳湖帆竹石 軸

plants and moss on the rock, producing a unified effect. Behind the rock stands a stalk of old bamboo.....more

唐閻立本竹林五君圖 軸

唐閻立本竹林五君圖 軸

'an missing‐‐thus the modified title. On the bamboo stalk on the lower left corner appears.....more

明陸治雙雞圖 軸

明陸治雙雞圖 軸

stalk. The brushwork reveals the heavy fluidity reminiscent of Shen Chou's (1427-1509) style. Here.....more

鏤繪集錦 冊 鶺鴒紅蓼

鏤繪集錦 冊 鶺鴒紅蓼

on a stalk of polygonum and looks down at a crayfish in the water below. The bird in utter concentratio.....more

清郎世寧畫瓶花 軸

清郎世寧畫瓶花 軸

horses. Shown here is a blue-and-white ceramic vase with a stalk of peonies. When.....more

明人吉慶圖 軸

明人吉慶圖 軸

painted in red as an attendant carries a vase with a stalk of spirit fungus, from which is slung a jade.....more

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stalk 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋