搜尋:scrolls 在 書畫 分類當中


清乾隆緙絲花鳥宮屏 軸

清乾隆緙絲花鳥宮屏 軸

in the branches of a cedar tree. This is one of a pair of scrolls on the subject of birds.....more

元人說經圖 軸

元人說經圖 軸

;an dynasty, is composed of three scrolls. In the middle scroll Šàkyamuni preaches the Buddhist s.....more

元人說經圖 軸

元人說經圖 軸

," by an anonymous painter of the Yüan dynasty, is composed of three scrolls. In the middle scroll Š.....more

元人說經圖 軸

元人說經圖 軸

of the Yüan dynasty, is composed of three scrolls. In the middle scroll Šàkyamuni.....more

元人畫冬室畫禪 軸

元人畫冬室畫禪 軸

displayed a hanging scroll and another stands holding several more scrolls. In front of them sit.....more

元人畫夏墅棋聲 軸

元人畫夏墅棋聲 軸

。&*Eighteen scholars have been divided between four hanging scrolls of this set,each one containing four.....more

宋人十八學士圖 軸

宋人十八學士圖 軸

the scholars' names and hometowns. This composition, one of a set of four hanging scrolls, is a Sung.....more

宋陳居中文姬觀獵圖 卷

宋陳居中文姬觀獵圖 卷

likely a copy by a Ming dynasty (1368-1644) artist. Three such scrolls are in the National Palace.....more

元人夏景戲嬰 軸

元人夏景戲嬰 軸

, this painting appears to date from the middle Ming (1368-1644) or later. Two other hanging scrolls.....more

民國齊白石篆書五言聯 軸

民國齊白石篆書五言聯 軸

of scrolls transcribes a couplet composed of two lines in five characters each. His seal script.....more

元人畫秋庭書壁 軸

元人畫秋庭書壁 軸

with scrolls or washing tea bowls. This work was originally one in a series of four dealing with the four.....more

明謝時臣青松白雲圖 軸

明謝時臣青松白雲圖 軸

scenes. He could execute screens and scrolls in a large format with an ample feeling and without.....more

清陳兆鳳博古花草 軸

清陳兆鳳博古花草 軸

, and they made hanging scrolls to decorate palace buildings. Perhaps Ch’en was a Ch’ing.....more

宋趙伯驌風檐展卷 冊頁

宋趙伯驌風檐展卷 冊頁

with corner legs and double stretchers between the legs. On this table are books, scrolls, and a bottle.....more

清翁同龢隸書五言聯 軸

清翁同龢隸書五言聯 軸

. This couplet is a collection of characters from the Han dynasty Ritual Vessels Stele. The two scrolls.....more

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