搜尋:proportion 在 書畫 分類當中


清陳枚畫耕織圖 冊 浴蠶

清陳枚畫耕織圖 冊 浴蠶

emphasize the relative proportion of distances and sizes to the buildings, slightly reducing figures.....more

清陳枚畫耕織圖 冊 緯

清陳枚畫耕織圖 冊 緯

’ing editions emphasize the relative proportion of distances and sizes to the buildings, slightly.....more

清陳枚畫耕織圖 冊 祭神

清陳枚畫耕織圖 冊 祭神

of the Ch’ing editions emphasize the relative proportion of distances and sizes to the buildings, slightly.....more

清陳枚畫耕織圖 冊 織

清陳枚畫耕織圖 冊 織

emphasize the relative proportion of distances and sizes to the buildings, slightly reducing figures.....more

鏤繪集錦 冊 仙山樓閣

鏤繪集錦 冊 仙山樓閣

but not without life or spirit. The proportion of the turns and the density of the lines are quite nimble.....more

明朱端尋梅圖 軸

明朱端尋梅圖 軸

, and boats dot the scene. Proportion and space are well defined. &*1.〈明朱端尋梅圖〉,收入陳階晉、賴毓芝主編,《追索浙派》(臺北:國立故宮博物院.....more

宋人花王圖 軸

宋人花王圖 軸

by a garden lake rock in a proportion that is not very logical, obviously having been done so.....more

清郎世寧百駿圖 卷

清郎世寧百駿圖 卷

the sizes of the horses vary with the distance and are shown in relative proportion. Likewise.....more


proportion 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋