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明錢穀惠山煮泉圖 軸

明錢穀惠山煮泉圖 軸

. Hui in Wu-hsi to gather spring water for brewing tea. An attendant gets water from a hexagonal.....more

明文伯仁溪山秋霽 軸

明文伯仁溪山秋霽 軸

was Te-ch’eng and his sobriquets Wu-feng, Pao-sheng, and Shen-shan Lao-nung.....more

元王蒙松山書屋 軸

元王蒙松山書屋 軸

Hsiang-Kuang chü-shih and was a native of Wu-hsing (modern Hu-chou, Chekiang). He was the maternal.....more

明張宏畫山水 軸

明張宏畫山水 軸

ün-tu and sobriquet Ho-chien) was a native of Wu-hsien (modern-day Soochow, Kiangsu). He.....more

明丁雲鵬十八應真像 軸

明丁雲鵬十八應真像 軸

followed the bold style of Wu Tao-tzu (act. ca. 710-760) from the T'ang Dynasty as well as the plain-line.....more

明陸治天中佳卉 軸

明陸治天中佳卉 軸

name Shu-p’ing, sobriquet Pao-shan-tzu) was a native of Wu County, Kiangsu province. He was a bit.....more

唐李昭道蓬萊宮闕圖 卷

唐李昭道蓬萊宮闕圖 卷

, and landscape elements reveal much of the Wu School influence after the mid-16th century. Unrelated.....more

明仇英上林圖 卷

明仇英上林圖 卷

by Hsiang-ju for Emperor Wu-ti. Using an ornate verse form, it praises the beautiful and grand Shang-lin.....more

明唐寅震澤煙樹 軸

明唐寅震澤煙樹 軸

-wei and Po-hu; sobriquet Liu-Ju) was a native of Wu county in Kiangsu. He was endowed with great.....more

明陸治雙雞圖 軸

明陸治雙雞圖 軸

,及陸氏自家清雅之韻。 &*Lu Chih, style name Shu-p'ing, sobriquet Pao-shan-tzu, was a native of Wu County.....more

明謝時臣畫山水 軸

明謝時臣畫山水 軸

and screens. Hsieh’s style follows that of the Wu school master Shen Chou. This painting is crowded.....more

元曹善書山海經(四) 冊

元曹善書山海經(四) 冊

collectively called the "Three Ts'ao's of Wu." According to biographies, however, Ts'ao Chih-po's son Yung.....more

明藍瑛仿黃公望山水 卷

明藍瑛仿黃公望山水 卷

peaks resemble a densely woven net, resonating with the style of Wu Pin. This work was done by Lan Ying.....more

元王蒙秋山簫寺圖 軸

元王蒙秋山簫寺圖 軸

ü-shih, and Huang-ho shan-chiao) was a native of Wu-hsing, Chekiang. He was the maternal grandson.....more

明王問煮茶圖 卷

明王問煮茶圖 卷

, a native of Wu-hsi in kiangsu Province, was a scholar painter of the middle Ming. This handscroll.....more


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