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共找到 63 筆符合的資料
元王淵秋山行旅圖 軸
度秋林,行走於長堤上。遠處水面,一行鳧雁排空而去,景物蕭疏清逸。山石藉濃淡墨相襯,增多了色調的變化。&*Wang Yüan (style name Jo-shui, sobriquet.....more
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清錢載畫墨梅御題 軸
;-shih. In 1752 he received his chih-shih degree. A man of high integrity and learning, Ch’ien.....more
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清張鎬畫連昌宮圖 軸
a poem by the T’ang poet Yüan Chen entitled the Lien-ch’ang Palace. T’ang Ming-huang and his.....more
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清張成龍仿張僧繇山水 軸
century) Ch’ing Dynasty A man leaning against the paling gazes pensively into the distance. The building.....more
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明文徵明仇英合摹李公麟蓮社圖 ...
sometimes just frown and leave as soon as he had come. In this scroll T’ao Yüan-ming is the man.....more
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舊畫扇面 冊 明孔貞一東坡朝雲
面」冊第三開。 &* This small garden scene depicts Su Tung-p’o (1037-1101), the famous Sung dynasty man.....more
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五代南唐巨然秋山問道圖 軸
at the K'ai-y'an temple in the Southern T'ang State. When that state fell to the Sung emperor in 975.....more
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明陸治寫生 冊 風雨海棠
sobriquet, Pao-shan-tzu. As a person, Lu was noted for his filiality and integrity, and as a man.....more
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明欽揖摹古 冊 墨梅
’in I (style name Yüan-yu) was a native of Wu-hsien (modern Soochow, Kiangsu). Aloof by nature, he.....more
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明王紱溪亭高話圖 軸
-jen. His personal name, Fu, also had another reading. He was a man of wide learning, and a skilled.....more
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明崔子忠雲林洗桐圖 軸
was a native of Shantung who adopted Peking as his home. He was a highly learned and patriotic man. When.....more
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