搜尋:literary 在 書畫 分類當中


宋元名繪 冊 元趙孟頫進馬圖

宋元名繪 冊 元趙孟頫進馬圖

and was posthumously awarded the title of Wen-min. Chao is known for his literary achievements.....more

清朱汝琳畫草蟲 卷

清朱汝琳畫草蟲 卷

inscription that he began painting it one day at a gathering of literary friends and completed it a month.....more

明仇英脩褉圖 軸

明仇英脩褉圖 軸

works have the fine delicacy of court styles yet also possess a literary spirit. He is thus known.....more

明仇英修褉圖 卷

明仇英修褉圖 卷

傢俱(屏風) 花器 橋 雲 春景 竹 名勝 香爐.火盆 松 文玩(琴棋書畫) 亭 文房用具 飲食器 水榭 高士(士人、隱士) 侍從(侍女、童僕) 溪澗、湍泉 石磴、棧道 國立故宮博物院 故宮書畫錄(.....more

歷代名繪 冊 宋燕肅山居圖

歷代名繪 冊 宋燕肅山居圖

, but moved to Yang-ts'ui in Honan later. Both his personality and literary works were highly esteemed.....more

明人便面畫冊(二) 冊 明項德裕山水

明人便面畫冊(二) 冊 明項德...

), also becoming known for literary accomplishments. Deyu thus grew up in a scholarly family.....more

明人書畫扇 (辛) 冊 明錢穀風漂夷馬

明人書畫扇 (辛) 冊 明錢穀風...

school. Later he received both literary and painting instruction from Wen Ching-ming. Ch’ien Ku.....more

清何紹基楷書六屏 軸

清何紹基楷書六屏 軸

lectured at schools in Shandong, Hunan, and Zhejiang; his literary collection also surviving. The roots.....more

元張雨書唐人絕句 軸

元張雨書唐人絕句 軸

of the Yuan dynasty, his literary talent was pure and elegant, and his painting and calligraphy refined.....more

元趙孟頫萬柳堂圖 軸

元趙孟頫萬柳堂圖 軸

to reach the height of a literary gathering in a pavilion amidst thousand willows. All.....more

明張元士畫水仙 軸

明張元士畫水仙 軸

remind one of those by Chao Meng-chien (fl. 1226-1290). It is a pity that no literary record.....more

明謝時臣青松白雲圖 軸

明謝時臣青松白雲圖 軸

excessive detail. Although associated with the literary Wu School, Hsieh’s style also resembles.....more

清沈顥畫懸崖垂瀑 軸

清沈顥畫懸崖垂瀑 軸

phenomena. Accomplished in all the gentlemanly arts, literary composition, calligraphy and painting.....more

元人雜書 卷 楊載書水龍吟

元人雜書 卷 楊載書水龍吟

subsequently spoke highly of him, and Yang thus attained literary fame in the capital. Yang studied.....more

明董其昌倣顏真卿書 軸

明董其昌倣顏真卿書 軸

and praises Zhang Yue (667-730) and the literary rise of the Jixian Academy in the Tang dynasty. The regular.....more

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literary 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋