搜尋:li guo 在 書畫 分類當中


宋李成寒江釣艇 軸

宋李成寒江釣艇 軸

influenced by the Li-Guo School. (20110913) 本幅 170x101.9公分、全幅 116公分 類型:繪畫 型式:靜態圖像 李成(Li Cheng) 數位化執.....more

宋李公麟免冑圖 卷

宋李公麟免冑圖 卷

. Horses symbolized noble status and were used by military leaders. Li Kung-lin, who created the pai-miao.....more

小歇(原單位統一編號 01000063)

小歇(原單位統一編號 01000063...

主題意涵:寫景 技法:寫意 色彩:設色 題材:花鳥 中國文化大學華岡博物館 畫心尺寸:136x63cm 入藏日期:1973-02-26 本名:李國謨 譯名:Li Guo-mo 小歇(原單位統一編號.....more

宋李公麟畫麗人行 卷

宋李公麟畫麗人行 卷

. Later connoisseurs, perhaps because Li Kung-lin was said to specialize in figures and horses.....more

明戴進扁舟訪客 軸

明戴進扁舟訪客 軸

-Xia Southern Song court style and the Li-Guo one of the Yuan, but in his own manner; he.....more

元趙雍採菱圖 軸

元趙雍採菱圖 軸

that is light and beautiful. The brushwork of the trees and foliage derives from the Li Cheng and Guo.....more

元人春山圖 軸

元人春山圖 軸

mountain forms of “stones like clouds moving,” this work is clearly in the Li-Guo (Li Cheng and Guo Xi.....more

明戴進春遊晚歸 軸

明戴進春遊晚歸 軸

Song and the Li Cheng and Guo Xi (Li-Guo) School as practiced in the Yuan dynasty, establishing.....more

明藍瑛倣古山水 冊 泉壑山居

明藍瑛倣古山水 冊 泉壑山居

Wei, Guo Xi, Zhao Lingrang, Li Tang, Zhao Mengfu, and the Four Yuan Masters. The tenth and eleventh.....more

明戴進長松五鹿 軸

明戴進長松五鹿 軸

and Yuan dynasty Li-Guo schools to form the Zhe school landscape style. By a deep cloudy spring.....more

宋人畫新韶花鳥 軸

宋人畫新韶花鳥 軸

to two works in the Museum collection ("Birds and Flowers" attributed to Li Di and "Flowers.....more

宋人寒林待渡 軸

宋人寒林待渡 軸

. The representative painter of this subject was Li Cheng (919-967) of the Five Dynasties, his works being.....more

元吳鎮雙松圖 軸

元吳鎮雙松圖 軸

of the Li (Cheng) and Guo (Xi) style. The riverbank and slopes were done in layers of light ink washes.....more

藝林集玉 冊 無款秋溪待渡圖

藝林集玉 冊 無款秋溪待渡圖

needles, the two pines here are similar to those in Li Tang’s “Wind in Pines Among a Myriad Valleys.....more


li guo 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋