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共找到 167 筆符合的資料
清鄒一桂?宋苑畫榴下雄雞圖 軸
, Jang-ch’in and, at a later date, Erh-chih lao-jen. He became a chin-shih in 1728.....more
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清蔣廷錫畫歲寒三友 軸
拔的精神意義。全幅的用筆較寫意,用色以墨為主,富有深淺濃淡的變化,更顯得沈厚有力。&* Chiang T’ing-hsi, a native of Ch’ang-shu in Kiangsu.....more
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宋人法書(三) 冊 宋趙鼎書劄...
examination in the Ch'ung-ning era(1102-1106). He accompanied emperor Kao-tsung when the court moved.....more
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清蔣廷錫畫四瑞慶登圖 軸
。 &* Chiang T’ing-hsi (style names Yang-sun and Hss-chün; sobriquet Hsi-ku) was a native of Ch.....more
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明吳偉仙蹤侶鶴圖 軸
Hsin. Later he developed his talent as a painter. During the reign of the Ch’eng-hua Emperor (r.....more
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元人雜書 卷 饒介書中峰幻住像...
name Chieh-chih and sobriquets Hua-kai shan-chiao, Tsui-chiao, and Fu-ch'iu-kung t'ung-tzu.....more
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名繪萃珍 冊 宋劉松年金華叱石
named Huang Ch'u-p'ing, a native of Chin-hua, Chekiang. Later, he was called Huang Ta-hsien (“Great.....more
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清黃鉞繪時華紀瑞 軸
花盛開爭艷。梔子以鈎花點葉法畫成,其他均沒骨寫意。設色鮮麗而不失雅緻。 &* Huang Yüeh (1750-1841), a native of Ch’ang-t’u in Anhwei.....more
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歷朝畫幅集冊 冊 宋惠崇秋浦雙...
communicates an atmosphere of isolation and tranquility. This is the second leaf from the album Li-ch’ao hua.....more
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明董其昌書杜甫謁玄元皇帝廟詩 ...
,字字肉豐而力沉,不特得徐浩之法,兼得歐顏之神。雖未署年,然以筆力之沉穩,與筆劃澀進抖動之態推斷,應為晚歲經意之作。&*Tung Ch'i-ch'ang (1555-1636) was a native.....more
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明陳璧書五言古詩 軸
。本幅草書五言古詩,筆勢縈繞飛動,上接懷素,然行筆時出偏鋒,偶帶章草筆勢,流露出雲間書派之風格特色。&*Ch'en Pi (style name Wen-tung, sobriquet Ku-yang.....more
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