搜尋:hsi an 在 書畫 分類當中


清鄒一桂歲朝圖 軸

清鄒一桂歲朝圖 軸

-hsi in Kiangsu. He became chin-shih in 1727 and led an official career which culminated in his.....more

清張若澄撒圍圖 軸 

清張若澄撒圍圖 軸 

was established by the K’ang-hsi Emperor; whose grandson, the Ch’ien-lung Emperor, was a faithful.....more

清張若澄合圍圖 軸

清張若澄合圍圖 軸

was established by the K’ang-hsi Emperor; whose grandson, the Ch’ien-lung Emperor, was a faithful follower.....more

清張若澄待圍圖 軸

清張若澄待圍圖 軸

was established by the K’ang-hsi Emperor; whose grandson, the Ch’ien-lung Emperor, was a faithful.....more

明文徵明自書詩帖 卷

明文徵明自書詩帖 卷

), and Wang Hsi-chih (309-ca. 365), forming a style which is mature and powerful yet flows and dances. Wen.....more

明董其昌臨爭坐位帖 冊

明董其昌臨爭坐位帖 冊

of the Hsi-hung-t'ang-t'ieh. Later in his life he wrote copy after copy; the National Palace Museum.....more

明董其昌臨爭坐位帖 冊

明董其昌臨爭坐位帖 冊

in the blockprint of the Hsi-hung-t'ang-t'ieh. Later in his life he wrote copy after copy; the National Palace.....more

清王原祁山水 軸

清王原祁山水 軸

the reign of the K’ang-hsi Emperor, he served as a vice-minister of revenue and became known.....more

宋緙絲青牛老子圖 軸

宋緙絲青牛老子圖 軸

". It is said that when Lao-tzu went through Han Valley Pass, the official Pass Commissioner Yin Hsi felt.....more

宋元寶翰 冊 宋趙孟堅致嚴郎中太丞尺牘

宋元寶翰 冊 宋趙孟堅致嚴郎中...

version of Wang Hsi-chih's (307-365) famous Preface to the Lan-t'ing Pavilion on a cruise one day.....more

元劉貫道畫元世祖出獵圖 軸

元劉貫道畫元世祖出獵圖 軸

followed the styles of Li Ch'eng and Kuo Hsi. His animal and bird-and-flower paintings combined.....more

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 桃花雙蝶磐石帶草

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 桃花雙蝶...

rebellion, he fled to Szechwan with the emperor Hsi-tsung (r. 873 – 888). At the turn of the tenth century.....more

元劉貫道畫元世祖出獵圖 軸

元劉貫道畫元世祖出獵圖 軸

followed the styles of Li Ch'eng and Kuo Hsi. His animal and bird-and-flower paintings combined.....more

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 桃花雙蝶磐石帶草

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 桃花雙蝶...

rebellion, he fled to Szechwan with the emperor Hsi-tsung (r. 873 – 888). At the turn of the tenth century.....more

元倪瓚容膝齋圖 軸

元倪瓚容膝齋圖 軸

of Wu-hsi, Kiangsu. Son of a wealthy merchant, he was a bibliophile, collector, amateur poet.....more


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