搜尋:hermit 在 書畫 分類當中


名繪集珍 冊 唐閻立德問道圖

名繪集珍 冊 唐閻立德問道圖

譽於初唐之畫壇。 本幅為「名繪集珍」冊第一開。 &*Depicted in this album leaf is a general bowing before a hermit under.....more

宋林逋手札二帖 冊 逋奉簡三君

宋林逋手札二帖 冊 逋奉簡三君

, and later he forsook wordly matters and became a hermit at Solitary Peak at Western Lake in Hangchou.....more

明人畫扇 冊 明李士達山林人物 

明人畫扇 冊 明李士達山林人物...

examination degree in 1574, he became a hermit and did not take office. He was famous for his.....more

宋林逋手札二帖 冊 逋奉簡三君

宋林逋手札二帖 冊 逋奉簡三君

, and later he forsook wordly matters and became a hermit at Solitary Peak at Western Lake in Hangchou.....more

明項聖謨後招隱圖 卷

明項聖謨後招隱圖 卷

of reclusion and the hermit for his painting as he sung the praises of simple, rustic life. Presently.....more

宋錢選煙江待渡圖 卷

宋錢選煙江待渡圖 卷

, the painter subtly and intricately expressed his private wish to become a hermit and shun.....more

唐盧鴻草堂十志圖 卷

唐盧鴻草堂十志圖 卷

, he was awarded the clothes of a hermit and a thatched cottage. This handscroll contains ten scenes.....more

明戴進渭濱垂釣圖 軸

明戴進渭濱垂釣圖 軸

in mutual respect. The king invites the hermit sage to assist in government, but he politely refuses.....more

元王振鵬鍾馗送嫁 卷

元王振鵬鍾馗送嫁 卷

the sobriquet "Hermit of Lonely C1ouds." Wang was also gifted at landscape and religious painting, working.....more

宋劉松年徵聘圖 軸

宋劉松年徵聘圖 軸

at the hermit, and the other two approach on the bridge. All of the motifs have been rendered.....more

明石芮軒轅問道圖 卷

明石芮軒轅問道圖 卷

Emperor’s visit to the hermit Kuang-ch’eng-tzu of K’ung-t’ung Mountain, who reputedly had discovered.....more

明人便面畫冊(二) 冊 明陸治林泉高致

明人便面畫冊(二) 冊 明陸治...

is a small stream which flows quietly. A hermit sits leisurely enjoying the mountain colors. The distinct.....more

宋林逋手札二帖 冊

宋林逋手札二帖 冊

as a youth, he once studied under Li Chien-chung. Later he became a hermit at Solitary Peak at West.....more

明陸治支硎山圖 軸

明陸治支硎山圖 軸

and, during the Chin Dynasty, was the residence of a famous hermit. Later, the Pao-en Temple, the Fang.....more

明陸治花谿漁隱 軸

明陸治花谿漁隱 軸

and hermit fishermen. Lu Chih him self once wrote a poem likening his own eremitic existence.....more

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