搜尋:foliage 在 書畫 分類當中


元趙雍採菱圖 軸

元趙雍採菱圖 軸

and foliage derive from the Li Ch'eng-Kuo Hsi tradition. This piece was painted in 1342, when the artist.....more

清孫祜秋山樓閣 軸

清孫祜秋山樓閣 軸

of brilliant red foliage. Firmiana trees grow in a courtyard and a boat is secured by the riverbank.....more

集珍壽古 冊 元喬仲常閒庭嬰戲

集珍壽古 冊 元喬仲常閒庭嬰戲

, their foliage covering the sky. Five children are seen below: one, half-naked, stands on his head while.....more

元趙希遠畫林巒福地 軸

元趙希遠畫林巒福地 軸

the winding gullies, while towers rise forth from the lush green foliage. But it is in felling.....more

元人買魚沽酒圖 軸

元人買魚沽酒圖 軸

with the green of new winter foliage. The proprietor of a small riverside inn waits for his servant.....more

清董誥畫寶檻天香 軸

清董誥畫寶檻天香 軸

across the foliage. Tung Kao (style name His-ching; sobriquet Che-lin), or Tung the Younger.....more

明文徵明絕壑高閒 軸

明文徵明絕壑高閒 軸

to that of his teacher Shen Chou. The verdant forest and dense foliage establish a setting that is surrounded.....more

元盛懋溪山清夏圖 軸

元盛懋溪山清夏圖 軸

by floating white clouds and covered with dense, moist foliage dots. The atmosphere.....more

宋趙令穰陶潛賞菊圖 卷

宋趙令穰陶潛賞菊圖 卷

. Red and green foliage punctuate the sandy banks above a river, where in a pavilion at the shore sit.....more

明人考牧圖 卷

明人考牧圖 卷

fields are filled with green sprouts and the forests are covered with rich new foliage. A spring.....more

集古名繪 冊 宋劉松年柳橋虛榭

集古名繪 冊 宋劉松年柳橋虛榭

courtyard. The tightly structured composition draws attention to the rich green foliage which indicates.....more

明文伯仁山水 軸

明文伯仁山水 軸

this painting, with much of their foliage rendered using brownish red colors, as if to suggest.....more

元趙雍春郊遊騎圖 軸

元趙雍春郊遊騎圖 軸

of intertwined trees. The foliage, which fills the upper half of the painting.....more

宋李嵩聽阮圖 軸

宋李嵩聽阮圖 軸

with a flywhisk and listens to a lady play a ruan lute. The quivering, trembling quality of foliage.....more

五代人丹楓呦鹿圖 軸

五代人丹楓呦鹿圖 軸

contrasts with, but is also balanced by the elegance of the surrounding foliage, giving.....more

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