搜尋:f? 在 書畫 分類當中


清王雲畫山水 軸

清王雲畫山水 軸

Ying (fl.ca. 1490-1552). A river winds through a deep valley surrounded by caves and trees. Two.....more

清柳遇畫鶯粟 軸

清柳遇畫鶯粟 軸

(fl. ca. 1490-1552). The application of color in this painting to depict a cluster of poppies.....more

五代南唐巨然溪山林藪圖 軸

五代南唐巨然溪山林藪圖 軸

to that of Chiang Shen (fl. early 12th c.). Chü-jan was a monk at the K'ai-yüan Temple. With the fall.....more

元胡廷暉蓬萊仙會圖 軸

元胡廷暉蓬萊仙會圖 軸

was an accomplished painter of landscape, much appreciated by his great contemporary Chao Meng-fu.....more

清陸白?為長松圖 軸

清陸白?為長松圖 軸

as Sui-shan-chiao. Early in his career he studied the landscapes of Mi Fu and Mi Yu-jen of the Sung.....more

宋四家墨寶 冊 宋蔡襄致杜君長官尺牘

宋四家墨寶 冊 宋蔡襄致杜君長...

degree, and he went on to serve as prefect of such places as Fu-chou, Ch'uan-chou, Hang.....more

宋十二名家法書 冊 李建中書諮

宋十二名家法書 冊 李建中書諮

'ing(709-785) and Hsü Hao (703-782). Chao Meng-fu(1254-1322) was not exaggerating when he wrote.....more

宋十二名家法書 冊 黃庭堅荊州帖

宋十二名家法書 冊 黃庭堅荊州...

; sobriquet Fu-weng) was a native of Fen-ning, Kiangsi. In 1067 at the age of twenty-two, he passed.....more

宋四家墨寶 冊 宋米芾書送提舉通直使詩 

宋四家墨寶 冊 宋米芾書送提舉...

胸襟。米芾此時剛步入仕途,與友人際遇和抱負類似,藉詩文相互嘉勉。(20100406)&* Mi Fu (original name Fu 黻; changed to Fu 芾 in 1091.....more

宋諸名家墨寶 冊 宋范成大書尺牘 

宋諸名家墨寶 冊 宋范成大書尺...

the styles of Huang T'ing-chien and Mi Fu, but was more unrestrained. The recipient of this letter.....more

宋賢書翰 冊 宋蔡襄致彥猷尺牘

宋賢書翰 冊 宋蔡襄致彥猷尺牘

-chien, or Mi Fu. His standard script sums up the early Sung reverence for Yen Chen-ch'ing.....more

宋賢書翰 冊 宋薛紹彭詩帖

宋賢書翰 冊 宋薛紹彭詩帖

. In the 11th century, he was as famous as Mi Fu in calligraphy. The structure in this work.....more

宋代墨寶 冊 宋徽宗書牡丹詩 

宋代墨寶 冊 宋徽宗書牡丹詩 

-i (fl. 1350's) says of the Emperor in his Shu-shih Hui-yao: "The force of the brush.....more

元王蒙芝蘭室圖 卷

元王蒙芝蘭室圖 卷

Mountain") was a native of Wu-hsing, present day Soochow. The grandson of Chao Meng-fu, he successfully.....more

清董邦達楓谿觀瀑高宗御題 軸

清董邦達楓谿觀瀑高宗御題 軸

Dynasty Tung Pang-ta was a native of Fu-yang, Chekiang. His style name was Fu-ts’un and his sobriquet.....more


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