搜尋:common willow 在 書畫 分類當中


明人畫扇 冊 明陸治荷塘結夏

明人畫扇 冊 明陸治荷塘結夏

scholar sits gazing out a window enjoying flowers. In front of a house set further to the right are willow.....more

明呂紀秋鷺芙蓉圖 軸

明呂紀秋鷺芙蓉圖 軸

that also provided sinecures for court painters. On the banks of a lily pond, a willow sways.....more

宋元明人合璧 冊 宋劉松年柳橋雪閣

宋元明人合璧 冊 宋劉松年柳橋...

in his common appelations Liu Ch'ing-p'o and Liu of the Shadowy Gate. He was a student.....more


common willow 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋