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共找到 21 筆符合的資料
清蔣溥書春帖子詞並繪歲朝圖 卷
宗依循古例,於每歲立春時所作。卷中墨繪瓶插雜卉,及散置之如意、吉爆、百合、柿子,以喻歲朝之際,百事如意。圖後並有蔣溥本人及其他十位臣子所進呈的春帖子詞十一首,藉以紀盛太平。 &* Chiang P’u.....more
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清蔣木?鼎松竹梅 軸
清逸高潔的人格情操。畫中樹石點染細緻,筆墨清雋雅逸,呈現出蔣氏家傳風格特徵。 &* Chiang Ting (style name Tso-mei) was a native of Ch’ang.....more
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國初人山水集繪 冊 清陳舒壁下...
Shanghai, Sung-chiang). He later moved to Chiang-ning (modern Nanking) and resided below the Yü.....more
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清周禧畫羅漢(丙) 軸
was Chiang-shang nü-shih. She and her elder sister were skilled in painting birds and flowers as well.....more
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清王原祁畫中有詩圖 軸
of the famous painter Wang Shih-min (1592-1680). He received his chin-shih degree during the reign.....more
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’en Shih-chün Ch’ing dynasty Ch’en Shih-chün’s dates are unrecorded and his place of origin.....more
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明吳偉仙蹤侶鶴圖 軸
Wei, style names Shih-ying and Tz’u-weng; sobriquets Lu-fu and Hsiao-hsien, was a native of Chiang.....more
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元明人題錢譜雜文 冊 楊維禎書...
eventually gave up officialdom and went to Suchou and Sung-chiang. However, still.....more
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花卉畫冊 冊 明李流芳枯松掛壁
Li Liu-fang (style names Mao-hsing and Ch’ang-heng; sobriquet Chiang-yüan; later called Shen-y.....more
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