搜尋:centers 在 書畫 分類當中


清惲壽平摹古 冊 水仙

清惲壽平摹古 冊 水仙

tones to create light and dark washes, while the centers of the blossoms were given a light touch.....more

元顏輝畫拾得子 軸

元顏輝畫拾得子 軸

" associated with the Yen Hui style; they start and end light but have thick centers. 本幅 152.8x69.5公分、全幅 73.....more

清顧瑛畫罌粟 軸

清顧瑛畫罌粟 軸

of the petals and calyxes were traced with a very fine brush, the centers of the blossoms dotted.....more

清錢維城畫洋菊 軸

清錢維城畫洋菊 軸

, both steady and powerful, while the colors are luxuriant and beautiful. The centers of the blossoms.....more

明徐渭寫生 卷

明徐渭寫生 卷

by the artist. The brushwork throughout the work uses the technique of “circled petals” with dotted centers.....more

明孫枝梅花水仙 軸

明孫枝梅花水仙 軸

of the blossoms. Dark ink was then applied to dot and outline the calyxes and centers of the blossoms. The use.....more

清鄒一桂畫菊 軸

清鄒一桂畫菊 軸

, are not arranged very lively, and the method is somewhat flat. The centers of the wild chrysanthemums are touched.....more


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