搜尋:cedar 在 書畫 分類當中


清乾隆緙絲花鳥宮屏 軸

清乾隆緙絲花鳥宮屏 軸

of a garden setting. An ornamental rock rises in front of a cedar tree. Wisteria entwines the tree.....more

清乾隆緙絲花鳥宮屏 軸

清乾隆緙絲花鳥宮屏 軸

in the branches of a cedar tree. This is one of a pair of scrolls on the subject of birds.....more

清惲壽平畫禹穴古柏 軸

清惲壽平畫禹穴古柏 軸

遊浙江錢塘鏡湖探禹穴時,對禹穴之古柏所作的寫生,用筆沉厚。畫中古柏蒼勁奇蟉,竹石幽淡疏秀,象徵君子嶔碕磊落的胸懷。&*Ancient Cedar of Yü-hsüeh Y.....more

清謝遂畫人物 軸

清謝遂畫人物 軸

are also quite lifelike. The cedar trees are similarly symbolic of venerable age and strength.....more

清董邦達畫御花園古柏圖 軸

清董邦達畫御花園古柏圖 軸

colored. All this seems to have been done to conform to the tastes of the inner court. The cedar trees.....more

明人畫扇 冊 明文伯仁李愿歸盤谷圖

明人畫扇 冊 明文伯仁李愿歸盤...

by a thatched bamboo fence as pine and cedar trees appear all over.....more

清郎世寧畫瑞? 軸

清郎世寧畫瑞? 軸

. This type of deer, standing below a cedar, appears to be a variety of hornless roe known as “auspicious.....more

明邊文進歲朝圖 軸

明邊文進歲朝圖 軸

a wealthy household in traditional China. Depicted here are branches of pine, cedar, plum blossom.....more

清王翬倣李營丘江干七樹圖 軸

清王翬倣李營丘江干七樹圖 軸

is a tall pine, near which is a gnarled cedar. To the left and right are 5 withered trees.....more

清郎世寧畫白猿 軸

清郎世寧畫白猿 軸

-and birds, and especially horses and dogs. In this painting, a white gibbon sits on the root of a cedar.....more


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