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共找到 198 筆符合的資料
民國臺靜農臨石門摩崖 軸
clerical script brush force coming from the Shimen Eulogy. The original stone engraving used.....more
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明藍瑛倣古山水 冊 泉壑山居
a landscape composition of precipitous proportions. Grasping the brush firmly to create angular.....more
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宋人牋牘 冊 宋徐鉉書尺牘
followed the methods of Li Yang-ping with regulated dots and strokes. The brush movement in this work.....more
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元趙孟頫書朱子感興詩 卷
the idioms of Wang Hsi-chih and Wang hsien-chih. The density of the expressive force of his brush he got.....more
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元盛懋畫松溪泛月 軸
of the brush is very elegant and delicate.&*盛懋(活動於14世紀中期),字子昭。浙江臨安(今杭州)人,後遷浙江嘉興魏塘鎮,與吳鎮居比鄰。善畫山水、花鳥、人物。初.....more
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宋吳琚書七言絕句 軸
calligraphy is fresh and spirited, his use of ink rich and thick. His brush.....more
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元人法書 冊 張雨書聽泉亭絕句
of the strokes are clearly distinguished, but the manner is flowing and pure while the structure is solid. .....more
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清王翬倣倪瓚畫山水 軸
, rocks, and earthy hillocks by using dry brushwork, light ink, and angular texture strokes. In addition.....more
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歷朝名繪 冊 宋馬和之清泉鳴鶴...
, in which the tip of the brush at the start and stop of the strokes is clearly defined.....more
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