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宋法常寫生 卷

宋法常寫生 卷

以新意。 &* In this handscroll of painting from life, the monk Fa-ch’ang has depicted all manner.....more

宋人嬰戲圖 軸

宋人嬰戲圖 軸

, and clothing of the figures in this painting were all finely rendered by first delicately outlining in ink.....more

明文徵明寒林鍾馗 軸

明文徵明寒林鍾馗 軸

of the Ming. According to traditional beliefs, the forest was home to all kinds of demons and goblins.....more

明孫枝梅花水仙 軸

明孫枝梅花水仙 軸

of Wen Cheng-ming Sun Chih is often considered Wen Cheng-ming’s most prominent follower, and all.....more

唐盧鴻草堂十志圖 卷

唐盧鴻草堂十志圖 卷

depicted are all natural gardens and forests. In arranging compositions, Lu paid particular attention.....more

明邊文進胎仙圖 卷

明邊文進胎仙圖 卷

, and some fighting. All are beautifully painted. The landscape details are also carefully executed.....more

明唐寅品茶圖 軸

明唐寅品茶圖 軸

, and dots of foliage are all painted with the brush held at right angles to the paper; the ink tones.....more

明陸治丹楓秋色 卷

明陸治丹楓秋色 卷

, dots, and washes all appear natural and therefore in harmony with the spirit of Yüan (1279-1368.....more

清石谿茂林秋樹 卷

清石谿茂林秋樹 卷

and the leaves range from dark to light, covering almost all of the space. The leaves.....more

宋人花王圖 軸

宋人花王圖 軸

a sense of oppressiveness or overbearing at all, making this work quite unusual.&*庭院中,一株牡丹正綻放著碩大的花朵。花色呈.....more

宋劉松年畫羅漢 軸

宋劉松年畫羅漢 軸

the signature, “Painted in 1207 by Liu Sung-nien” The brushwork in all three is quite similar.....more

宋劉松年畫羅漢 軸

宋劉松年畫羅漢 軸

is identical to that on the first scroll. All three scrolls bear the seals.....more

宋人法書(一) 冊 宋徽宗書詩

宋人法書(一) 冊 宋徽宗書詩

from the use of exposed and concealed brushwork. This is evident in all of his.....more

晉王羲之平安何如奉橘三帖 卷

晉王羲之平安何如奉橘三帖 卷

scroll are all tracing copies done before the T'ang, but they still reveal.....more

明唐寅山水 卷

明唐寅山水 卷

characterized Shen Chou’s impact on the younger generation: “All of the famous scholars of the time, like.....more


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