搜尋:air force 在 書畫 分類當中


明謝時臣青松白雲圖 軸

明謝時臣青松白雲圖 軸

upward into the air to meet the mists and clouds. The brushwork possesses an antique and powerful.....more

宋眉山蘇氏三世遺翰 冊 宋蘇軾尺牘

宋眉山蘇氏三世遺翰 冊 宋蘇軾...

a dashing, untrammeled air. This leaf with 2 works features mature, strong brushwork, the characters.....more

宋眉山蘇氏三世遺翰 冊 宋蘇軾尺牘

宋眉山蘇氏三世遺翰 冊 宋蘇軾...

a dashing, untrammeled air. This leaf with 2 works features mature, strong brushwork, the characters.....more

清唐岱風雨歸舟圖 軸

清唐岱風雨歸舟圖 軸

dignified air that was most heavily influenced by the Sung dynasty masters. This scene depicts.....more

宋人觀梅圖 軸

宋人觀梅圖 軸

corner of the roof. A tall pine works its way into the open air like a bent iron rod. Tnis method.....more

宋賈師古大士像 軸

宋賈師古大士像 軸

an untrammeled air. The bodhisattva, adorned with jewels, is seated on a rocky cliff. The water of Buddha.....more


air force 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋