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共找到 61 筆符合的資料
宋劉松年唐五學士圖 軸
and landscapes, modeling himself on Chang Tun-li. Liu's paintings had great spirit, and his fame.....more
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清周凱青鐙課讀圖 軸
’ing Dynasty Chou K’ai (style name Chung-li, sobriquet Yün-kao) was a native of Fu-yang.....more
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五代南唐巨然松巖蕭寺 卷
of Chung-ling (present Nanking), Chü-jan was a monk at the K'ai-Yüan Temple. After.....more
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宋劉松年十八學士圖 卷
and landscape painting, his fame surpassed that of his teacher, Chang Tun-li. Though unsigned.....more
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唐李昭道春山行旅圖 軸
of Li Zhaodao. At the top is an imitation inscription by Song Huizong and fake imperial half seals.....more
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唐顏真卿祭姪文稿 卷
who was a loyal official and defender of the T'ang. In his effort against the Li Hsi-lieh rebels, he.....more
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唐顏真卿祭姪文稿 卷
who was a loyal official and defender of the T'ang. In his effort against the Li Hsi-lieh rebels, he.....more
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明仇英群仙會祝圖 軸
his horn, Lan Ts’ai-ho his castinets, and Chang Kuo-lao, Ts’ao Kuo-chiu, Chung Han-li, and Ho Hsien-ku.....more
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宋四家墨寶 冊 宋蘇軾書次韻秦...
studied Yan Zhenqing and Li Yong’s calligraphy. In an overview of Su’s style, his characters are steady.....more
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宋張訓禮圍爐博古圖 軸
on the Eighteen Scholars. The T’ang emperor T’ai-tsung gathered 18 eminent scholars, including Tu Ju.....more
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