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共找到 5 筆符合的資料
元陳貞白雲山房圖 軸
-110&*陳貞(西元十四世紀),浙江錢塘人。字履元,擅畫山水。 這幅畫作於至正十一年(一三五一年),描繪著幽僻的鄉野,四五家村屋聚集在樹林山石間。近有溪水縈繞,遠處則雲山層h?C山石皴法類似牛毛皴,用.....more
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清張宗蒼畫雪景御題 軸
Hüan-ts’un, Shou-chü) was a native of Wu-hsien, Kiangsu. In 1753 A.D. he presented.....more
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entitled “Yëh-fu of the Twelfth Month in the Village: Lighting Braziers”. It was a custom.....more
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明馬軾春塢村居圖 軸
-t’ung (1436-1449) courts and gained fame as a painter in Peking with Hsieh Hüan. In 1449.....more
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集古名繪 冊 明李在圮上授書
with Tai Chin, Hsieh Hüan, Shih Jui, and Chou Wen-ching. He studied the landscape styles of Kuo Hsi.....more
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