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共找到 152 筆符合的資料

滿文:yoga i oyonggo be ooho an...
fulehun baling bure kooli durun 漢文:瑜伽集要焰口施食儀 藏文:rgyu thams cad la nye bar mkho ba yi.....more
- 1/152

滿文:fucihi nomulaha hafu sure...
be mayambure toktobun tarni nomun 漢文:佛說智光滅一切業障陀羅尼經 藏文:'phags pa ye shes ta la la zhes bya ba 'gro ba.....more
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滿文:fucihi nomulaha beyebe ci...
.cbeta.org 滿文:fucihi nomulaha beyebe cincilara nomun 漢文:佛說觀身經 藏文:lus la blta ba'i mdo zhes bya ba 89函 滿文 .....more
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滿文:anggumala nomun
.org 滿文:anggumala nomun 漢文:央掘魔羅經 藏文:'phags pa sor mo'i phreng ba la phan pa zhes bya ba.....more
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德格版:No. 848 phags-pa ye-es ...
Ḥphags-pa ye-śes ta-la-la shes-bya-baḥi gzuṅs ḥgro-ba thams-cad yoṅs-su sbyoṅ.....more
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德格版:No. 522 phags-pa ye-es ...
Ḥphags-pa ye-śes ta-la-la shes-bya-baḥi gzuṅs ḥgro-ba thams-cad yoṅs-su.....more
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德格版:No. 1123 Sku gsum-la bs...
-khrims rgyal-ba 中華電子佛典協會(CBETA) 德格版:No. 1123 Sku gsum-la bstod-pa shes-bya-ba 中文經題:三身讚 梵文經題.....more
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德格版:No. 1170 Sbyor-ba bshii...
:No. 1170 Sbyor-ba bshiḥi lta-la bstod-pa shes-bya-ba 中文經題:四瑜伽天讚 梵文經題:Yogacaturdevastotra.....more
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德格版:No. 4158 Rgyal-po-la gt...
華電子佛典協會(CBETA) 德格版:No. 4158 Rgyal-po-la gtam-bya-ba rin-po-cheḥi phreṅ-ba 中文經題:王譚寶鬘 梵文經題.....more
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滿文:fucihi nomulaha buyecuke ...
arga i nomun 漢文:佛說樂瓔珞莊嚴方便經 藏文:'phags pa thabs la mkhas pa dga' ba'i do shal gyis.....more
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滿文:umesi badaraka aiman fuci...
kyi dbyings la 'jug ba las yi ge'i sgo zhe gnyis pa khol du.....more
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滿文:fucihi nomulaha mohon ak ...
:rgyal mo lus 'phags ma la gsungs pa bde ba can du skye ba'i sgom.....more
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滿文:fucihi nirwan tuwabuha am...
nomun 漢文:佛滅度後棺歛葬送經 藏文:de bzhin gshegs pa'i gdung la bya ba byas pa'i mdo 57函 滿文 .....more
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滿文:fucihi nomulaha hafu sure...
nomun 漢文:佛說智炬陀羅尼經 藏文:ye shes tal la zhes bya ba'i gzungs 64函 滿文 .....more
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