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共找到 169 筆符合的資料

德格版:No. 2395 Sems da sems-?...
Sems daṅ sems-?id ḥdul-baḥi thabs shes-bya-ba 中文經題:心心性調伏法 梵文經題:Cittacaitanyaśamanopāya 藏.....more
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德格版:No. 256 Chos-kyi rgya-m...
-kyi rgya-mo saṅs-rgyas rnam-par snaṅ-mdsad-kyis byaṅ-chub-sems-dpaḥ sems.....more
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滿文:suen abkai aiman i han i ...
.cbeta.org 滿文:sušen abkai aiman i han i nomun 漢文:須真天子經 藏文:'phags pa lha'i bu rab rtsal sems kyis zhus pa.....more
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滿文:fucihi nomulaha fusa i ur...
.cbeta.org 滿文:fucihi nomulaha fusa i urebume dasara nomun 漢文:佛說菩薩修行經 藏文:byang chub sems dpa'i spyod pa.....more
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滿文:colgorome tucike fusa i d...
.cbeta.org 滿文:colgorome tucike fusa i daci deribuhe nomun 漢文:異出菩薩本起經 藏文:byang chub sems dpa'i rtogs brjod.....more
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滿文:icihi ci aljaha ulhisungg...
nomun 漢文:離垢慧菩薩所問禮佛法經 藏文:sems dpa' dri bral blo gros kyis zhus pa chos 54函 滿文 .....more
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滿文:bodi mujilen i cincilan b...
.cbeta.org 滿文:bodi mujilen i cincilan be suhengge 漢文:菩提心觀釋 藏文:byang chub kyi sems brtag pa bstan pa 66函 滿.....more
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滿文:boobai alibure fusa i bod...
.cbeta.org 滿文:boobai alibure fusa i bodi weilen i nomun 漢文:寶授菩薩菩提行經 藏文:'phags pa byang chub sems dpa'i.....more
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滿文:bodi mujilen i targacun b...
.cbeta.org 滿文:bodi mujilen i targacun be alime gaire kooli 漢文:受菩提心戒儀 藏文:byang chub sems dpa'i sdom pa.....more
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滿文:fucihi nomulaha amba sukd...
be tuwakiyare nomun 漢文:佛說大安般守意經 藏文:rlung 'dul zhing sems gzung ba'i rim pa 89函 滿文 .....more
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滿文:fucihi nomulaha agama une...
.cbeta.org 滿文:fucihi nomulaha a'gama unenggi weilen i nomun 漢文:佛說阿含正行經 藏文:drang sems bstan pa zhes bya ba.....more
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滿文:fucihi nomulaha gnin be w...
.cbeta.org 滿文:fucihi nomulaha gūnin be wakašara nomun 漢文:佛說罵意經 藏文:sems 'dul ba zhes bya ba'i mdo 89函 滿文 .....more
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滿文:juwan ehe sui weilen i si...
.org 滿文:juwan ehe sui weilen i siren be lashalara nomun 漢文:十住斷結經 藏文:byang chub sems dpa'i spang.....more
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滿文:fusa tebku de toktoho nom...
.cbeta.org 滿文:fusa tebku de toktoho nomun 漢文:菩薩處胎經 藏文:byung chub sems dpa' mngal du gnas pa'i mdo 51函 滿文 .....more
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滿文:fusa i de yabun i nomun
.cbeta.org 滿文:fusa i de yabun i nomun 漢文:菩薩本行經 藏文:byang chub sems dpa'i rnam par thar pa 51函 滿文 .....more
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