搜尋:large 在 植物界 分類當中


Quercus sp.

Quercus sp.

forest 備註:Large tree Tetsuya Kawasaki 英文 中文 .....more

Quercus glandulifera Blume var. brevipetiolata (A. DC.) Nakai 思茅櫧櫟

Quercus glandulifera Blume var...

(A. DC.) Nakai 思茅櫧櫟 海拔:120 - 400 M 生育地環境:Crwen of a few large ascending' Acorn gren truning brown 備.....more

拉丁學名:Sphagnum capillifolium (Ehrh.) Hedw.

拉丁學名:Sphagnum capillifoli...

Large dense mats in open swampy woods. 原編目號:TMBAE002194 .....more

Polygonum cespitosum Blume var. longisetum (DeBruyn) Stewart

Polygonum cespitosum Blume var...

, Taiwan(台灣) 備註:Growing in large colonies at edge of thicket 標本採集者:David Edward Boufford 採集號:22178 英文 中文.....more

Machilus japonica Siebold et Zucc. var. kusanoi (Hayata) Liao 大葉楠

Machilus japonica Siebold et Z...

:On small mountain ridgeForest 備註:Feng-shan a large tree about 20m tall Jenn-che Wang' Hsien-tsung.....more

拉丁學名:Aerobryopsis longissima (Doz. et Molk.) Fleisch.

拉丁學名:Aerobryopsis longiss...

of large fig tree by the tarn in bushy type evergreen hardwood forest. 原編目號:TMBAE000015 .....more

拉丁學名:Calyptothecium caudatum Bartr.

拉丁學名:Calyptothecium cauda...

省南投縣信義鄉望美村阿里不動溪 採集地經度:120°52'18" E 採集地緯度:23°36'29" N 採集地海拔:Alt. 1200 m. 棲地其他描述:On large branch.....more

拉丁學名:Zygodon campylophyllus C. Muell.

拉丁學名:Zygodon campylophyll...

on exposed rock at edge of large marsh, ''El Cienegon. 原編目號:TMBAE001585 .....more

拉丁學名:Barbilophozia barbata (Schmid.) Loeske.

拉丁學名:Barbilophozia barbat...

集地: 採集地經度:89°18 W 採集地緯度:48°11 N 棲地其他描述:At base of vertical face of large basaltic talus boulder.....more

拉丁學名:Polytrichum pallidisetum (Funck) G. Sm.

拉丁學名:Polytrichum pallidis...

地:美國明尼蘇達州伊塔斯卡激流市鹿湖 採集地經度:93°40' W 採集地緯度:47°21' N 棲地其他描述:In large hummocks on decaying log in dense.....more

Balanophora laxiflora Hemsl. ex Forbes & Hemsl. 穗花蛇菰

Balanophora laxiflora Hemsl. e...

grove 備註:Female inflorescences red, very large population 標本採集者:Ching-I Peng (彭鏡毅), B. Bartholomew, T.....more

Hibiscus mutabilis L. 芙蓉

Hibiscus mutabilis L. 芙蓉

. Transition zone between tropical and sub-tropical coasal rainforest. Large shrub or small tree to 4 m.....more

Pisonia umbellifera (J. R. Forst. & G. Forst.) Seem. 皮孫木

Pisonia umbellifera (J. R. For...

), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:20 M 生育地環境:Broadleaf forest, Near stream valley 備註:Large tree ca. 10 m tall 英文 中文 082267 .....more

Morus australis Poir. 小葉桑

Morus australis Poir. 小葉桑

9,pei-pi Transect Road, Ilan County(宜蘭縣), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:450 M 生育地環境:Sub-tropical forest 備註:Large.....more

Lopimia dasypetala (Turcz.) Standl.

Lopimia dasypetala (Turcz.) St...

:Flowering 備註:Large shrub, 2-3 m; flowers pink, in terminal panicles. 標本採集者:Luis M. Chong LIU (何其忠) 採集號:1.....more

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large 在 植物界 分類當中 的相關搜尋