搜尋:university 在 善本古籍 分類當中


Official journal of the Japanese military administration. Volume No.7

Official journal of the Japane...

/sinicafrsFront99/ 插圖:Middle school for girls 插圖:Music and arts academies 插圖:Tokyo women's university 插圖:Sea.....more

Travels of a consular officer in north-west China

Travels of a consular officer ...

Teichman, Ericby Publisher:Cambridge University Press Travels of a consular officer in north-west.....more

Dr. John H. Wigmore and Keiogijuku University

Dr. John H. Wigmore and Keiogi...

and Keiogijuku University 三田評論,第454號(昭和10年6月) 日治時期臺灣研究古籍資料庫 http://rarebooks.ith.sinica.edu.tw.....more

Pasig 河とBay 湖についての圖學的解釋 A cartographical interpretation of the Pasig River and Laguna de Bay, Near Manila

Pasig 河とBay 湖についての圖學...

of the faculty of science Taihoku Imperial University. no.4, Geology ; Series 3 發行:昭和19年(1944) 圖書:南方資料館藏書 臺北.....more

臺北州產の片狀角閃岩 Some schistose amphibolite from Taihoku Prefecture, Taiwan

臺北州產の片狀角閃岩 Some schi...

of the faculty of science Taihoku Imperial University. no.5, Geology ; Series 3 發行:昭和19年(1944) 圖書:南方資料館藏書 臺北.....more

Official journal of the Japanese military administration. Volume No.5

Official journal of the Japane...

/sinicafrsFront99/ 插圖:The Hall of the Imperial Diet 插圖:University building(Japan) 插圖:Tokyo station 插圖.....more

圓及ビ球ノ幾何學ヘノ寄與. 五十四 = Beitr?ge zur Geometrie der Kreise und Kugeln. LIV 表面及ビ曲線ニ就イテ. 三十八 = ?ber Fl?chen und Kurven. XXXVIII

圓及ビ球ノ幾何學ヘノ寄與. 五十...

of the faculty of science Taihoku Imperial University. no.2, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry ; Series.....more

圓及ビ球ノ幾何學ヘノ寄與. 五十八 = Beitr?ge zur Geometrie der Kreise und Kugeln. LVIII 表面及ビ曲線ニ就イテ. 四十二 = ?ber Fl?chen und Kurven. XLII

圓及ビ球ノ幾何學ヘノ寄與. 五十...

of the faculty of science Taihoku Imperial University. no.6, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry ; Series.....more

圓及ビ球ノ幾何學ヘノ寄與. 五十七 = Beitr?ge zur Geometrie der Kreise und Kugeln. LVII 表面及ビ曲線ニ就イテ. 四十一 = ?ber Fl?chen und Kurven. XLI

圓及ビ球ノ幾何學ヘノ寄與. 五十...

of the faculty of science Taihoku Imperial University. no.5, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry ; Series.....more

圓及ビ球ノ幾何學ヘノ寄與. 五十五 = Beitr?ge zur Geometrie der Kreise und Kugeln. LV 表面及ビ曲線ニ就イテ. 三十九 = ?ber Fl?chen und Kurven. XXXIX

圓及ビ球ノ幾何學ヘノ寄與. 五十...

of the faculty of science Taihoku Imperial University. no.3, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry ; Series.....more

圓及ビ球ノ幾何學ヘノ寄與. 五十三 = Beitr?ge zur Geometrie der Kreise und Kugeln. LIII 表面及ビ曲線ニ就イテ. 三十七 = ?ber Fl?chen und Kurven. XXXVII

圓及ビ球ノ幾何學ヘノ寄與. 五十...

of the faculty of science Taihoku Imperial University. no.1, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry ; Series.....more

圓及ビ球ノ幾何學ヘノ寄與. 五十六 = Beitr?ge zur Geometrie der Kreise und Kugeln. LVI 表面及ビ曲線ニ就イテ. 四十 = ?ber Fl?chen und Kurven. XL

圓及ビ球ノ幾何學ヘノ寄與. 五十...

of the faculty of science Taihoku Imperial University. no.4, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry ; Series.....more

臺灣の平地に普通なる鼠類4種(Rattus, Apodemus及びMus)に關する變異統計學的比較研究 A comparative study on Formosan rats and mice of four species belonging to the Genera, Rattus, Apodemus and Mus from the standpoint of variation-statistics


of the faculty of science Taihoku Imperial University. no.2, Zoology, Botany ; Series 2 發行:昭和19年(1944) 圖.....more

圓及ビ球ノ幾何學ヘノ寄與. 五十九 = Beitr?ge zur Geometrie der Kreise und Kugeln. LIX 表面及ビ曲線ニ就イテ. 四十三 = ?ber Fl?chen und Kurven. XLIII

圓及ビ球ノ幾何學ヘノ寄與. 五十...

of the faculty of science Taihoku Imperial University. no.7, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry ; Series.....more

臺灣產ハツカネズミ(Mus)2種に關する變異統計學的比較分析 Comparative analysis of two species of Mus from Formosa from the standpoint of variation-statistics


of the faculty of science Taihoku Imperial University. no.1, Zoology, Botany ; Series 2 發行:昭和19年(1944) 圖.....more

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university 在 善本古籍 分類當中 的相關搜尋