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共找到 23 筆符合的資料
Cyclobalanopsis glauca (Thunb....
:400 - 600 M 生育地環境:On the roadside 物候:Fruiting M. J. Lin' Y. J. Chen' C. C. Wang 英文 中文 .....more
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Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloide...
M 生育地環境:Broadleaf forest' Roadside J. c. Wang' C. H. Chen' M. J. Lin 英文 中文 .....more
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Cyclobalanopsis acuta (Thunb.)...
境:Broadleaf forest 數量:Not numerous 備註:From Ssu-yuan to Nan-shan. Jenn-Che Wang' J. J. Yang & H. W.....more
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Cyclobalanopsis sp.
Fagaceae 殼斗科 行政院農業委員會林業試驗所植物標本館 1918-01-01 植物標本 腊葉標本 Cyclobalanopsis sp. 海拔:1700 - 500 M J.....more
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Cyclobalanopsis glauca (Thunb....
Shouchengtashan(守城大山)' Nantou County(南投縣) 北緯24/02/22' 東經121/02/30 海拔:6000 M J. Lto 英文 中文 .....more
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Cyclobalanopsis gilva (Blume) ...
nishan(哈堪尼山)' Miaoli County(苗栗縣) 北緯24/31/' 東經121/01/ 海拔:1500 - 1700 M 物候:Fruiting S. W. Chung(鐘詩文)' J.....more
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Cyclobalanopsis gilva (Blume) ...
nishan(哈堪尼山)' Miaoli County(苗栗縣) 北緯24/31/' 東經121/01/ 海拔:1500 - 1700 M 物候:Fruiting S. W. Chung(鐘詩文)' J.....more
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Cyclobalanopsis morii (Hayata)...
) Kuanwu(觀霧)' Hsinchu County(新竹縣) 北緯24/30' 東經121/06 海拔:2000 - 800 M 生育地環境:Roadside J. C. Wang.....more
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Cyclobalanopsis hypophaea (Hay...
Tungho(東河)' Taitung County(臺東縣) 北緯22/58/02' 東經121/12/38 海拔:800 - 2200 M J. S. Wu(吳志昇) 英文 中文 .....more
- 10/23
Cyclobalanopsis longinux (Haya...
. Clarke' M. F. Gardner' J. Main' D. Mann' D. Paterson 英文 中文 .....more
- 11/23
Cyclobalanopsis glauca (Thunb....
. S. Clarke' M. F. Gardner' J. Main' K. Mann' D. {aterson 英文 中文 .....more
- 12/23
Cyclobalanopsis morii (Hayata)...
) Tsuifenghu(翠峰湖)' Ilan County(宜蘭縣) 北緯24/31' 東經121/35 海拔:1840 - 1800 M 生育地環境:Along a logging tract J.....more
- 13/23
Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloide...
育地環境:On the opened roadsede J. C. Wang and Summer Collection Team 英文 中文 .....more
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Cyclobalanopsis gilva (Blume) ...
Hsiang(仁愛鄉)' Nantou County(南投縣) 北緯24/06/50' 東經121/13/06 海拔:600 - 700 M 生育地環境:Disturbed land J. C.....more
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