搜尋:cM 在 雙子葉植物 分類當中


Quercus acuta Thunb. ex Murray 孛孛櫟

Quercus acuta Thunb. ex Murray...

- 490 M 備註:Tree 12m high DBH 20 cm Tadashi Yamashiro 英文 中文 .....more

Pasania ternaticupula (Hayata) Schott 三斗石櫟

Pasania ternaticupula (Hayata)...

Yuanfeng(鳶峰)' Nantou County(南投縣) 北緯24/08' 東經121/17 海拔:2575 - 900 M 備註:DBH: 6 cm H: 3 m 西 Shyuan-Wu Chen.....more

Pasania ternaticupula (Hayata) Schott 三斗石櫟

Pasania ternaticupula (Hayata)...

Yuanfeng(鳶峰)' Nantou County(南投縣) 北緯24/08' 東經121/17 海拔:2575 - 900 M 備註:DBH: 6 cm H: 3m 西 Shyuan-Wu Chen.....more

Lindera megaphylla Hemsl. 大葉釣樟

Lindera megaphylla Hemsl. 大葉...

北縣)' Taipei County(臺北縣) 北緯24/54' 東經121/39 海拔:70 - 1860 M 備註:Tree ca. 30 cm in diameter' ca. 5 m tall.....more

Fagus hayatae Palib. 臺灣山毛櫸

Fagus hayatae Palib. 臺灣山毛...

:Height:7m' Diam:50 cm' Ca:4m in height M. Minaki' S. Noshiro' N. Ooi' A. Momohara' & A. Esaka 英文 中文 .....more

Fagus hayatae Palib. 臺灣山毛櫸

Fagus hayatae Palib. 臺灣山毛...

:Height:10m' Diam:50 cm' Ca:4m in height M. Minaki' S. Noshro'N. Ooi' A. Momohara'& A. Esaka 英文 中文 .....more

Pasania konishii (Hayata) Schottky 油葉石櫟

Pasania konishii (Hayata) Scho...

tall ; DBH ca.15 cm Liangl-Hung Wu' S. C. Hsiao' Y. S. Chen' C. C. Chen 英文 中文 .....more

Cyclobalanopsis glauca (Thunb.) Oerst. 青剛櫟

Cyclobalanopsis glauca (Thunb....

-broadleaf forest' Exposed rocky landside area 備註:Tree5-6m tall'DBH10-15 cm' friuits treen Shu-Mei.....more

Machilus zuihoensis Hayata 香楠

Machilus zuihoensis Hayata 香...

and bamboo plantation' Tree 9m DBH 15 cm 備註:Exposed roadside with a few broadleaf trees. Shu-Mei Liu' J.....more

Phoebe formosana (Hayata) Hayata 臺灣雅楠

Phoebe formosana (Hayata) Haya...

:Exposed slope above road' broad-leaf forest' forest margin' tree 6 m tall' DBH 15 cm 物候:Fruits.....more


cM 在 雙子葉植物 分類當中 的相關搜尋