搜尋:an chen 在 雙子葉植物 分類當中


Quercus spinosa A. David ex Fr. 高山櫟

Quercus spinosa A. David ex Fr...

lodge 備註:Tree ca. 3m tall Chih-hsiung Chen & Hsien-tsung Hung 英文 中文 .....more

Machilus thunbergii Siebold & Zucc. 紅楠(豬腳楠)

Machilus thunbergii Siebold & ...

to Sun-Kang. Yu-chuan Lu' Y. W. Sang' C. H. Chen' W. H. Hu 英文 中文 .....more

Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides (Hayata) Kudo & Masamune ex Kudo 狹葉櫟

Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloide...

地環境:Broadleaf forest' Adjacent to paved roadsede 備註:Tre ca. 5 m tall. Chih-hsiung Chen' Yu-chuan Lu.....more

Pasania kawakamii (Hayata) Schott. 大葉石櫟

Pasania kawakamii (Hayata) Sch...

:Tree ca. 5m tall Chih-hsiung Chen' Yu-Chuan Lu' Shu-maio Kuo et al. 英文 中文 .....more

Pasania glabra (Thunb.) Oerst. 子彈石櫟

Pasania glabra (Thunb.) Oerst....

註:Tree ca. 7m tall Chih-hsiung Chen' S. M. Kuo et al 英文 中文 .....more

Cyclobalanopsis morii (Hayata) Schott. 森氏櫟(赤椆)

Cyclobalanopsis morii (Hayata)...

forest' Paved roadside 備註:Shrub J. C. Wang' C. H. Chen' Y. C. Huang 英文 中文 .....more

Cyclobalanopsis pachyloma (O. Seem.) Schott. 金斗椆

Cyclobalanopsis pachyloma (O. ...

備註:Tree J. C. Wang' C. H. Chen' W. H. Ku 英文 中文 .....more

Cyclobalanopsis morii (Hayata) Schott. 森氏櫟(赤椆)

Cyclobalanopsis morii (Hayata)...

. H. Chen' Y. Y. Lien 英文 中文 .....more

Castanopsis cuspidata (Thumb. ex Murray) Schottky var. carlesii (Hemsl.) Yamazaki 長尾尖葉櫧

Castanopsis cuspidata (Thumb. ...

/06 海拔:2000 - 2200 M 生育地環境:Paved roadside 備註:Tree ca. 5m tall Chih-hsiung chen' Yu-Chuan Lu' Shu.....more

Cinnamomum austrosinense H. T. Chang 牡丹葉桂皮

Cinnamomum austrosinense H. T....

road side 備註:Chingching Farm to tsuifeng Chih-Hui Chen 英文 中文 .....more

Litsea elongata (Wall. ex Nees) Benth. et Hook. f. var. mushaensis (Hayata) J. C. Liao 霧社木薑子

Litsea elongata (Wall. ex Nees...

frest 備註:Tree ca.8m tall; 710 forest Road Chieh-Lin Huang' C. H. Chen' Y. Y. Lien 英文 中文 .....more

Lindera erythrocarpa Makino 鐵釘樹(紅果釣樟)

Lindera erythrocarpa Makino 鐵...

forst' Coniferous plantation 備註:710 Forest Rosd. Chieh-Lin Huang' C. H. Chen and Y. Y. Lien 英文 中文 .....more

Machilus japonica Siebold et Zucc. 日本楨楠(假長葉楠)

Machilus japonica Siebold et Z...

備註:Chingching Farm(清靜農場) to Tsuifeng(翠峰) Chih-Hui Chen 英文 中文 .....more

Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides (Hayata) Kudo & Masamune ex Kudo 狹葉櫟

Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloide...

:Broadleaf forest' On semishady slope beside trail 備註:Tree ca. 5m tall Chih-hsiung Chen' Hsien-tsung Hung.....more

Cyclobalanopsis glauca (Thunb.) Oerst. 青剛櫟

Cyclobalanopsis glauca (Thunb....

Kuantaoshi(關刀溪)' Nantou County(南投縣) 北緯24/03' 東經121/01 海拔:3100 - 2800 M S. T. Chiu(邱少婷)' C. N. Chen(陳建男.....more


an chen 在 雙子葉植物 分類當中 的相關搜尋