搜尋:king 在 天主教傳教史 分類當中


原文標題:The request from Ricci sent to confessor of the king of France, Fr. Coton

原文標題:The request from Ricc...

:Yves Raguin 作者中譯姓名:甘易逢 耶穌會台北利氏學社 原文標題:The request from Ricci sent to confessor of the king of France.....more

原文標題:A request from Ricci sent to the confessor of the king of France

原文標題:A request from Ricci ...

Dehergne 作者中譯姓名:榮振華 耶穌會台北利氏學社 原文標題:A request from Ricci sent to the confessor of the king of France 中譯標題:利.....more


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