搜尋:y@ 在 水墨 分類當中


宋元集繪 冊 元趙孟頫茅亭松籟

宋元集繪 冊 元趙孟頫茅亭松籟

, was a scion of the Sung who also served under the following Yüan in the Hanlin Academy. He was famed.....more

宋人書司馬光拜左僕射告身 卷

宋人書司馬光拜左僕射告身 卷

be used as proof of appointment. In 1086, the first year of the Yüan-yu reign under Emperor.....more

唐吳彩鸞書唐韻 冊

唐吳彩鸞書唐韻 冊

calligraphy a copy of the T'ang-yün. Wen Hsiao used to sell each copy for five thousand cash. Wu.....more

明呂紀畫草花野禽 軸

明呂紀畫草花野禽 軸

; Chi, style name T’ing-chen, sobriquet Yao-yü, was a native of Yin County, Chekiang. In the genre.....more

明沈周蒼?高話圖 軸

明沈周蒼?高話圖 軸

. In studying the paintings of the Four Masters of the Yüan dynasty, Shen Chou paid much attention.....more

明丁雲鵬白馬馱經圖 軸

明丁雲鵬白馬馱經圖 軸

年之繁細作風,而趨疏簡清逸之畫境。&*Ting Yün-p'eng was influenced by his father and came to enjoy painting. He.....more

明董其昌葑涇訪古圖 軸

明董其昌葑涇訪古圖 軸

and Tung Yüan. Earthen forms are outlined and textured with hemp-fiber strokes, the layers of ligh.....more

清王鑑倣黃公望煙浮遠岫圖 軸

清王鑑倣黃公望煙浮遠岫圖 軸

of Ch’ing Dynasty.” The Four Wangs of the early Ch’ing particularly liked the works of the Yü.....more

清王時敏倣黃公望山水 軸

清王時敏倣黃公望山水 軸

at the art of landscape painting. Throughout his life, he revered the Yüan dynasty master Huang.....more

清王時敏倣王蒙山水 軸

清王時敏倣王蒙山水 軸

, On-hsieh Taoist, and Old Farmer Heading Home. This landscape after the Yüan dynasty painter Wang.....more

清王原祁秋山圖 軸

清王原祁秋山圖 軸

of the brush. Evidently the painting was done when Wang Yüan-ch’i had other matters in mind. He.....more

清郎世寧聚瑞圖 軸

清郎世寧聚瑞圖 軸

compositions of auspicious plants in a vase can be found from the previous Yüan (1271-1368.....more

清弘?翠巘高秋圖 軸

清弘?翠巘高秋圖 軸

曾未見,精神真欲逼思翁(董其昌)。(童文娥)&* Hung Wu, whose style names were Shu-chai and Ts’ui-yü; sobriquets I-ju.....more

宋范寬秋林飛瀑 軸

宋范寬秋林飛瀑 軸

。畫中紅楓飄於水上,詩意是唐崔信明句「楓落吳江冷」。&* Fan K’uan was a native of Hua-yüan in Shensi province. His style.....more

宋十二名家法書 冊 黃庭堅荊州帖

宋十二名家法書 冊 黃庭堅荊州...

(960-1279) and Yüan (1271-1368) imperial repositories and was also later among the works housed.....more


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