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共找到 364 筆符合的資料
明文徵明書四體千文 卷
-1105), Mi Fu (1052-1107) and the Sheng-chiao preface to create rich and hoary strokes that bend.....more
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明董其昌臨褚遂良蘭亭敘 冊
, Mi Fu, and Yang Ningshi. Dong also stated, “Jin calligraphers obtained the harmony.” So he copied.....more
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明人便面畫冊(一) 冊 明文伯...
This is a Wen School reinterpretation of the “cloudy mountain” type of landscape associated with Mi Fu.....more
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料:□ | 收藏著錄 畫心尺寸:183.2×89.5㎝ 西曆:1962 中曆:壬寅 類別:水墨/水墨 本名:傅申 譯名:Fu Shen 其他識別資料:傅申(1937—)生於上海市,後舉家遷台。中國文化.....more
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考資料:邱定夫,1982,《邱定夫畫集》,清平樓畫室出版,P1 | 收藏著錄 畫心尺寸:120×60㎝ 西曆:1986 中曆:丙寅 類別:水墨/水墨 本名:邱定夫 譯名:Qiu Ding-fu 其他識.....more
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明沈周蘇州山水全圖 卷
-yen, Mt. Shang-fang, Shih-hu (Sone Lake), the Hsü Pass, Kuang-fu, and Lake T’ai can all.....more
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明花卉畫冊 冊 明金俊明梅花
after the Ch’ing takeover and became a member of the Ming loyalist Fu-she Society. He was by nature.....more
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宋四家真蹟 冊 宋蘇軾次辯才韻...
was known along with Ts'ai Hsiang, Huang T'ing-chien, and Mi Fu as one of the Four Masters.....more
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明仇英臨宋元六景 冊
. Ch'iu Ying was from T'ai-ts'ang, Kiangsu. His style-name was Shih-fu; his sobriquet, Shih-chou.....more
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清郎世寧畫十駿犬蒼猊犬 軸
realistic. Ts’ang-ni was presented to the emperor by Fu Ch’ing, the Vice Commander-in-Chief stationed.....more
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明人畫扇面 (乙) 冊 明人月下...
) Ming Dynasty Ch’iu Ying, style name Shih-fu, was a native of T’ai-ts’ang, Kiangsu Province, but later.....more
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元顧安倪瓚合作古木竹石 軸
was an excellent calligrapher and studied the style of Chao Meng-fu. He painted bamboo with forceful.....more
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