搜尋:temples by form 在 水墨 分類當中


明商喜寫生 軸

明商喜寫生 軸

works for court temples and palaces. The title slip assigns this painting to Shang Hsi. In this garden.....more

清人菩提葉羅漢 冊

清人菩提葉羅漢 冊

is said to have achieved enlightenment under a bodhi tree, which is why Buddhist temples often.....more

明史端木仿黃公望山水 軸

明史端木仿黃公望山水 軸

in the background towers over the scene, and is itself covered with trees, waterfalls, and temples. Elegant.....more


temples by form 在 水墨 分類當中 的相關搜尋