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共找到 35 筆符合的資料
宋元集繪 冊 宋林椿寫生海棠
as the foundation, to which rouge was added for a soft, velvety effect. This leaf comes from.....more
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with a landscape rendition. The first leaf depicting a mountain retreat where soft hills surround a clear.....more
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唐王維江干雪意圖 卷
. There is much doubt as to whether this handscroll was done by Wang Wei, because the soft and elegant.....more
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清鄒一桂畫金英秋實 軸
is an extremely soft and elegant style that still reveals traces of Yün Shou-p’ing’s manner.....more
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名人畫扇 (戊) 冊 明陳嘉言枇...
technique for the fruits, and a careful, realistic rendition of the squirrel’s fine, soft fur.....more
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民國譚澤闓行書七言聯 軸
and soft. This work was donated to the Museum by General Ho Ying-chin.(20110103) 本幅 203.3x44.6公分、全幅 5.....more
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明人畫幅集冊 冊 明吳弘猷蘆菊...
” and “boneless ink’ methods, respectively. The brushwork is fluent and soft in a “sketching ideas.....more
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名人便面畫冊 冊 清李世倬梅竹...
of delicately using dry ink, thereby achieving the utmost in contrasts between heavy and soft.....more
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清趙之謙楷書八言聯 軸
of the characters soft and flowing. Consequently, his calligraphic style was sharp yet rounded.....more
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清俞樾隸書八言聯 軸
have an angular touch that complements the soft, introverted brushwork. Furthermore, the scholarship.....more
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五代南唐顧德謙弄簫圖 卷
enters carrying a censor. The soft, delicate brushwork and the light, refined colors convey.....more
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宋緙絲和鳴鸞鳳圖 軸
of the stiff feathers and soft down woven in this tapestry with great skill. &*1.童文娥,〈緙絲和鳴鸞鳳〉,收入童文娥主編,《緙絲風華.....more
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元趙孟頫重江疊嶂 卷
from two traditions. One is the Tung Yüan and Chü-jan style-with rolling hills and soft.....more
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