搜尋:sit 在 水墨 分類當中


元人應真參妙圖 軸

元人應真參妙圖 軸

碧設色,莊嚴古厚,對之如參淨域。幅上無作者款印。&*Two lohans sit between a rock and tree. One holds a feather fan, the other.....more

宋人牧牛圖 軸

宋人牧牛圖 軸

by five cowherds, three of whom are fighting over some disagreement, while the remaining two sit.....more

元盛懋松壑雲泉圖 軸

元盛懋松壑雲泉圖 軸

of several towering pine trees, in the shade of which sit three figures on a grassy knoll.....more

元人畫聽琴圖 軸

元人畫聽琴圖 軸

sits on a daybed playing a zither as 3 scholars sit listening. Four servants are in attendance.....more

唐人文會圖 軸

唐人文會圖 軸

stand along a garden pond which is surrounded by a balustrade. Figures sit and eat at a table which has.....more

元唐棣谿山煙艇 軸

元唐棣谿山煙艇 軸

. Several men sit in a boat being poled along the stream, the figure on the bow perfectly expressing.....more

明顧懿德春綺圖 軸

明顧懿德春綺圖 軸

s notable for its elegance and refinement. White clouds skirt the mountain; houses, where gentlemen sit.....more

清張宗蒼松陰高士圖 軸

清張宗蒼松陰高士圖 軸

majestically. A waterfall rushes down to form a pool below. Beneath pines two gentlemen sit and view.....more

宋張訓禮圍爐博古圖 軸

宋張訓禮圍爐博古圖 軸

of the screen are three scholar-gentlemen sitting around a waisted table, as two sit on a daybed.....more

清金廷標畫人物 冊 秋林牧笛

清金廷標畫人物 冊 秋林牧笛

with a wet brush. The variance of ink tones from deep to light is effectivd. Two young herdsboys sit atops.....more

宋劉松年溪亭客話圖 軸

宋劉松年溪亭客話圖 軸

the water, and a host and his guests sit chatting inside. The texture strokes of the mountains, pines.....more

清錢維城棲霞全圖 軸

清錢維城棲霞全圖 軸

scattered on a mountainside. They sit among forested hills and valleys with clinging mists and clouds.....more

元人畫冬室畫禪 軸

元人畫冬室畫禪 軸

displayed a hanging scroll and another stands holding several more scrolls. In front of them sit.....more

元人畫麻姑獻壽 軸

元人畫麻姑獻壽 軸

, rocks, and a strearm. Ma-ku and Wang sit and discuss the Tao. They are accompanied by attendants.....more

明鄭重一指華嚴圖 軸

明鄭重一指華嚴圖 軸

and Yüan styles. Here, two lohans sit cross-legged on platform rocks, gazing up at a glowing.....more

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