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共找到 462 筆符合的資料
清王原祁?浮遠岫圖 軸
,年六十四即奉詔,纂輯佩文齋書畫譜。另又主持「萬壽盛典圖」之製作。 &*Floating Mist and Distant Mountains Wang Yűan-ch’i (1642-1715.....more
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清屈兆麟仿郎世寧花卉 冊
Castiglione’s Birds and Flowers by Ch’ü Chao-lin. Ch’ü duplicated almost exactly the sixteen.....more
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董邦達柳浪聞鶯御題 軸
名勝 客舫 城牆 籬笆、圍牆 欄杆 池水 庭院 橋 百姓 楊柳 房舍 水榭 國立故宮博物院 故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁134&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十二冊,頁1-2&*石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊.....more
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清王鑑倣倪瓚山水 軸
in Kiangsu province and the grandson of Wang Shih-chen, a famous scholar of the Ming period. He held.....more
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名人畫扇(下) 冊 清上睿山水
at the Tung-ch’an Temple. He organized a poets’ association with Hui Shih-ch’i and Chang Ta-shou.....more
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民國齊白石篆書五言聯 軸
吸取周、秦、兩漢精華,得力於「三公山碑」及「天發神讖碑」。是幅下筆穩健蒼勁,極其老辣,應為晚年之作。 本幅為蔡辰男先生捐贈。 &* Ch’i Pai-shih, a native of Hunan.....more
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清董邦達畫大士像 軸
, such as Shih-ch’ü pao-chi., etc. He later served as President of the Board of Rites. Tung Pang.....more
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清張照臨米芾重九會郡樓詩帖 軸
. His style name was Te-t'ien, his sobriquet Ching-nan. Having passed his chin-shih examination.....more
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清沈顥畫懸崖垂瀑 軸
互通鼻息處。 &* Shen Hao was a native of Wu-hsien, in Kiangsu province, with tzu (style name) Lang-ch’ien.....more
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明董其昌臨顏真卿告身帖 軸
散亂為整密,不落顏楷之窠臼。&*Tung Ch'i-ch'ang, a native of Kiangsu, obtained his chin-shih degree in 1589.....more
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清顧大申秋日山居圖 軸
幅成於順治壬辰(西元一六五二)。 &*Mountain Hermitage on an Autumn Day Ku Ta-shen (fl. 1651-1673) Ch’ing Dynasty Ku.....more
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清弘?畫村舍怡豐 卷
of the Manchu imperial clan. His style names were Shu-chai and Tsui-yu; his sobriquet was I-ju ch.....more
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