搜尋:sculpture 在 水墨 分類當中


清丁觀鵬畫文殊像 軸

清丁觀鵬畫文殊像 軸

painter under the Ch’ien-lung Emperor (r. 1736-1795). This work is a copy of the holy sculpture.....more

民國齊白石篆書五言聯 軸

民國齊白石篆書五言聯 軸

province, studied carpentry as a youth and excelled at wood sculpture. At 26, he began to study.....more

清丁觀鵬畫文殊像 軸

清丁觀鵬畫文殊像 軸

’ien-lung Emperor’s offering to the holy Mañjuśri sculpture at Mt. Wu-t’ai in the spring.....more

明張宏補衲圖 軸

明張宏補衲圖 軸

on the rock table are sûtras, a Buddhist sculpture, and a vase. In this work, the brushwork.....more

宋人畫如來說法圖 軸

宋人畫如來說法圖 軸

sculpture. This drapery style was introduced into China and used in the paintings of the Northern Wei.....more

集古名繪 冊 元王冕幽谷先春

集古名繪 冊 元王冕幽谷先春

sheltered himself in a temple and nightly sat on the knees of a Buddha sculpture at night in the temple so.....more


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