搜尋:master drawing 在 水墨 分類當中


宋崔白秋浦蓉賓 軸

宋崔白秋浦蓉賓 軸

, A master of the brush, he also did not use a ruler when drawing straight lines. 本幅 149.1x95.5公分、全幅.....more

明丁雲鵬十八應真像 軸

明丁雲鵬十八應真像 軸

drawing style (pai-miao) of Li Kung-lin (1049-1106) from the Sung dynasty. He is considered a late.....more

明丁雲鵬畫釋迦牟尼佛 軸

明丁雲鵬畫釋迦牟尼佛 軸

his style from the T'ang master Wu Tao-tzu and his technique of outline drawing from Li Kung-lin.....more

清王原祁雲壑流泉圖 軸

清王原祁雲壑流泉圖 軸

master Huang Kung-wang. But he was nevertheless able to open up new paths in painting. Using.....more

清王原祁仿宋元人山水 冊

清王原祁仿宋元人山水 冊

master Huang Kung-wang. This he combined with the theories and techniques of the pivotal late Ming.....more

明文從簡禮佛圖 軸

明文從簡禮佛圖 軸

the T’ang master Li Yung and derived his landscape style from Ni Tsan and Wang Meng. This painting.....more


master drawing 在 水墨 分類當中 的相關搜尋