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共找到 188 筆符合的資料
明文徵明書七言律詩 軸
Hsien-chih. For Wen's large characters, he drew on the style of Huang T'ing-chien, developing.....more
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唐搨顏真卿麻姑仙壇記 卷
recorded the story behind the legend of the immortal Magu achieving the Tao. Generally when large.....more
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明仇英長夏江村圖 卷
and then, after jumping to a mountain range and a large rocky area on the other bank, we enter.....more
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清唐岱風雨歸舟圖 軸
waves. Whether by rendering sheets of spattering rain with a large brush in order to describe gracefully.....more
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明思宗書九思二字 軸
" of the large standard script are well controlled with a lustrous dark ink color, in some degree.....more
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宋四家書 卷 黃庭堅致齊君尺牘
. Later, he took the Yihe inscription as his model for large characters, and in cursive he followed.....more
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宋人法書(二) 冊 宋蔡襄致...
. The contents express his regards upon embarking on the journey. Ts'ai also included a gift of "large dragon.....more
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明文徵明自書七言律詩 卷
large and the brushwork strong and bold, a powerful aura transcending the entire work with charact.....more
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