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共找到 106 筆符合的資料
名人便面畫冊 冊 清李世倬梅竹...
,自有一派雅潔的情味洋溢楮素間。 &* Li Shih-chuo (style names T’ien-chang and Han-chang; sobriquets Ku-chai, Shih.....more
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集珍壽古 冊 元王振鵬飛閣觀潮
(ruled line) paintings, and gave him the sobriquet Ku-yun ch'u-shih. In his use of brush and ink.....more
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明周之冕花竹鵪鶉 軸
Dynasty Chou Chih-mien (style name Fu-ch’ing and sobriquet Shao-ku) was a native of Ch’ang-shu, Kiangsu.....more
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元明人題錢譜雜文 冊 金聲書賦...
. This album, arranged by Yao Yuan-tze, the husband of Chin’s older sister, was originally called Ku-ch.....more
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清王翬倣黃公望筆意 軸
name Shih-ku) was a native of Ch’ang-shu. He received instruction in landscape painting from Wang.....more
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明人畫扇 冊 明周之冕梅花
and death dates for Chou Chih-mien (style name Fu-ch’ing; sobriquet Shao-ku) are unknown, the dates.....more
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明劉原起靈巖積雪圖 軸
, he studied the landscape style of Ch’ien Ku and also did flowers. Mt. Ling-yen is located.....more
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宋蘇漢臣畫五瑞圖 軸
at the Southern Sung court during the Shao-hsing reign (1131-1162). Su Han-ch'en studied with Liu Tsung-ku.....more
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清蔣廷錫畫楊梅練雀 軸
;n; sobriquet Hsi-ku) was a native of Ch’ang-shu. As an official, he rose to the rank of Grand.....more
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藝林清賞 冊 清朱璨英畫杏花
閒」,印文與繪畫本身頗能呼應。 本幅為「藝林清賞」冊第七開。 &*Apricot Blossoms Chu Ts’an-ying (act. mid-19th cent.) Ch’ing.....more
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名人書畫扇(壬) 冊 清顧見龍...
在,並任職內廷畫院當祇侯。工畫人物故事,又善於臨摹古蹟,幾可亂眞。他的花鳥畫雖非專長,但偶而游戱之作,筆情墨趣,草草見意,自有種瀟洒的情態。&* Ku Chien-lung (tzu Yün.....more
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清鄭汝器(簠)隸書 軸
碑,益得樸拙奇古之妙。細觀此書,筆墨圓潤,運筆起伏,波撇誇張,筆法結字亦變化多端。通篇筆勢行氣連貫,縱橫俯仰,極具氣韻飛揚之勢。 &*Cheng Fu (style name Ju-ch’i.....more
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