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共找到 187 筆符合的資料
清王原祁畫山水 冊 仿雲林山水
-ch’i, Wang Shih-min, Wang Chien and Wang Hui are collectively known as the “Four Wangs.....more
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名人便面畫冊 冊 清李世倬梅竹...
,自有一派雅潔的情味洋溢楮素間。 &* Li Shih-chuo (style names T’ien-chang and Han-chang; sobriquets Ku-chai, Shih.....more
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清王時翼畫岳陽大觀 軸
:「陰風怒號,濁浪排空,日星隱耀,山岳潛形,商旅不行,牆傾楫摧。」此圖以生動巧妙的手法,重現了文字所描述的景象,令觀者有如身歷其境。 &* Wang Shih-i was the cousin.....more
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明董其昌倣顏真卿書 軸
的氣勢,但結字秀美,字間行距特別寬綽,是他自己特有的風格。&*Tung ch'i-ch'ang was a native of Hua-t'ing (modern Shanghai.....more
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明董其昌倣顏真卿書 軸
,但結字秀美,字間行距特別寬綽,是他自己特有的風格。 &* Tung ch’i-ch’ang was a native of Hua-t’ing (modern Shanghai) and a chin.....more
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清董邦達蘇堤春曉 軸
, Chekiang Province. He received the chih-shih degree in 1733 and afterward entered the court of Ch.....more
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清錢載畫墨梅御題 軸
and died 1793. His style name was K’un-i and his sobriquets Tuo-shih, P’ao-tsun, and Wan-sung Chü.....more
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明董其昌臨十七帖 卷
that it was written before Tung was sixty-eight sui. Tung freehand copied the Shih-ch'i-t'ieh twenty.....more
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民國齊白石篆書五言聯 軸
吸取周、秦、兩漢精華,得力於「三公山碑」及「天發神讖碑」。是幅下筆穩健蒼勁,極其老辣,應為晚年之作。 本幅為蔡辰男先生捐贈。 &* Ch’i Pai-shih, a native of Hunan.....more
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清王原祁仿王蒙山水 軸
,屋宇點綴,雖小處亦無一率筆。 &*Landscape after Wang Meng Wang Yűan-ch’i (1642-1715) Ch’ing Dynasty Wang Yűan-ch’i.....more
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宋四家法書 卷 宋蘇軾書次韻三...
Shih (style name Tzu-ch'an; sobriquet Tung-p'o) was a native of Mei-shan, Szechuan. He received h.....more
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清王原祁仿倪瓚山水 軸
) was a native of T’ai-ts’ang, Kiangsu. A grandson of Wang Shih-min(1592-1680), Wang Yűan-ch’i is included.....more
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清王原祁仿倪瓚山水 軸
) was a native of T’ai-ts’ang, Kiangsu. A grandson of Wang Shih-min(1592-1680), Wang Yűan-ch’i is included.....more
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