搜尋:halls 在 水墨 分類當中


清沈全墨牡丹 軸

清沈全墨牡丹 軸

of the Halls of Nobility.” This work was done with washes of monochrome ink to suggest the three-dimensio.....more

名繪集珍 冊 唐閻立德問道圖

名繪集珍 冊 唐閻立德問道圖

tradition of scholarship as he was the imperial architect for all the imperial halls, ponds.....more

清張廷彥中秋佳慶 軸

清張廷彥中秋佳慶 軸

painter. Through the palace halls, servants are busily passing the food boxes. The Emperor.....more

清徐揚仿宋人畫天王像(二) 軸

清徐揚仿宋人畫天王像(二) 軸

of Heavenly King Li, seized the T’ang Monk. Monkey King then ascended the Halls of Heavens.....more

宋趙伯駒上林圖 卷

宋趙伯駒上林圖 卷

.). With a circumference of 300 Chinese miles and 70 Palace Halls, the park was enormous in scale. In the park.....more

清越王宮殿圖 卷

清越王宮殿圖 卷

ornamented halls and pavilious completely fill the palace enclosure. Open spaces are planted.....more

宋趙伯駒畫海神聽講圖 軸

宋趙伯駒畫海神聽講圖 軸

and halls. The age of the silk makes the picture dark and somewhat unclear. However, the figures.....more

明沈周金粟晚香圖 軸

明沈周金粟晚香圖 軸

first held in the countryside in the eighth lunar month, thus becoming known as the “Halls.....more

鏤繪集錦 冊 花間行龍

鏤繪集錦 冊 花間行龍

in an everlasting spring” and “riches in halls of jade.” The skill in the weaving is masterful.....more

宋緙絲紫芝仙壽圖 軸

宋緙絲紫芝仙壽圖 軸

here are all auspicious. The crabapple, for example, is a metaphor for “halls of riches,” while.....more

元人三清圖 軸

元人三清圖 軸

Purities formed the main figures of worship in Three Purities Halls. In this painting, besides.....more

明沈周寫生 冊 玉蘭

明沈周寫生 冊 玉蘭

as ice" and "Wealth and position in halls of jade." In early spring the magnolia often blooms before.....more

明仇英蟠桃仙會 卷

明仇英蟠桃仙會 卷

"a ruckus in the Halls of the Heavens". This was because the Queen Mother did not invite him to her.....more

唐太宗立像(二) 軸

唐太宗立像(二) 軸

fright and falling ill, his soul wandering the Halls of the Underworld. After returning to the mortal.....more

五代後蜀丘文播文會圖 軸

五代後蜀丘文播文會圖 軸

in numerous places, such as studios, pavilions, and halls. It could also serve as both the center.....more

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