搜尋:gentleman 在 水墨 分類當中


清蔣廷錫畫四瑞慶登圖 軸

清蔣廷錫畫四瑞慶登圖 軸

, done at the age of 54 in 1723, coincided with Chiang’s promotion to Gentleman-in-waiting at the Board.....more

民國于右任草書 軸

民國于右任草書 軸

a gentleman maintains his cultivation and does not waver in the face of adversity, serving both.....more

元趙孟頫萬柳堂圖 軸

元趙孟頫萬柳堂圖 軸

depictions of people and horses. Amounted gentleman who has come visiting stands waiting on a terrace.....more

宋人法書(一) 冊 宋范純粹書尺牘

宋人法書(一) 冊 宋范純粹書...

, Attendant Gentleman of Revenue, and also Edict Attendant in the Huiyou Pavilion. This is one of his few.....more

清惲壽平寫生墨妙 冊 菊花

清惲壽平寫生墨妙 冊 菊花

Dynasty A native of Kiangsu, Yun Shou-p’ing was the leading essayist and poet of the Six Gentleman.....more

明林廣春山圖 軸

明林廣春山圖 軸

in the mountains, a pavilion leans over the river’s edge. Shaded by tall pines, a gentleman quietly meditates.....more

元人雜書 卷 楊載書水龍吟

元人雜書 卷 楊載書水龍吟

passed the chin-shih civel service examination and was appointed Gentleman for Rendering Service.....more

清惲壽平燕喜魚樂 軸

清惲壽平燕喜魚樂 軸

essayist and poet of the Six Gentleman of P’i-ling. Considered one of the Six Masters of Early Ch’ing.....more

名人畫扇貳冊 (上) 冊 清惲壽平折枝牡丹

名人畫扇貳冊 (上) 冊 清惲壽...

and poet of the Six Gentleman of P’i-ling. Considered one of the Six Masters of Early Ch’ing, he.....more

宋緙絲荷花 軸

宋緙絲荷花 軸

the pure and lofty gentleman. This work depicts several lotuses in a pond. The blossoms and leaves.....more

明邵彌畫山水人物 冊 溪岸竹樹

明邵彌畫山水人物 冊 溪岸竹樹

brush, depicts a gentleman seated beneath a large, unusually shaped rock that dominates.....more

集珍壽古 冊 元王振鵬飛閣觀潮

集珍壽古 冊 元王振鵬飛閣觀潮

the tidal bore. Within the brightly painted pavilion, a gentleman is viewing the scenery while.....more

明謝時臣高人雅集圖 軸

明謝時臣高人雅集圖 軸

林湖石旁,三位文士席地而坐,一人展卷,似吟誦卷中詩文,餘者罷琴端坐,三人之神情凝聚為畫幅之焦點。 &*Three elegant gentleman are sitting on the grass.....more

明王紱勘書圖 軸

明王紱勘書圖 軸

-fenced garden among trees and rocks is a thatched house. A gentleman-recluse reposes inside, holding.....more

明周臣山亭納涼圖 軸

明周臣山亭納涼圖 軸

, tower over a pavilion. Inside, a gentleman leans to his left, his right hand grasping a feather fan.....more

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gentleman 在 水墨 分類當中 的相關搜尋