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共找到 127 筆符合的資料
清董邦達蘇堤春曉 軸
。嗣守林希榜曰:「蘇公堤」。此堤四時景色皆宜,而春日為最。 &* Tung Pang-ta (tzu Fu-ts’un, hao Tung-shun) was a native of Fu-yang.....more
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清董教增羅浮山圖 軸
說紀錄的性質。作者董教增(一七五○-一八二二),字益甫,江蘇上元人,官至閩浙總督,曾於嘉慶年間任官廣東巡撫,對於羅浮山地理、民俗了解相當深入。&*Lo-fu Mountains Tung Chiao.....more
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清董邦達畫杜甫詩意 軸
杜甫詩意」,構圖皆與此畫相似。 &*After a Poem by Tu Fu Tung Pang-ta (1699-1769) Ch’ing Dynasty Tung Pang-ta (style.....more
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清董邦達南屏晚鐘 軸
was a native of Fu-yang, Chekiang Province. He received the chin-shih degree in 1733 and afterward.....more
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清董邦達畫大士像 軸
想,面容慈祥。全幅筆法鬆秀。 &*Bodhisattva Tung Pang-ta (1699-1769) Ch’ing Dynasty Tung Pang-ta was a native of Fu.....more
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宋諸名家墨寶 冊 宋蘇軾尺牘(...
」入獄。此帖相當注重筆鋒的運用,書寫時的提按使轉,都依循著魏晉的傳統,為蘇軾「姿媚」書風代表,反映出早年受〈蘭亭序〉之影響。(20061206)&*Su Shih, style name Tzu.....more
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明董其昌倣顏真卿書 軸
the styles of Li Yung, Yang Ning-shih and Mi Fu. This late work follows after, but is not a copy.....more
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明董其昌倣顏真卿書 軸
the styles of Li Yung, Yang Ning-shih and Mi Fu. This late work follows after, but is not a copy.....more
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元人雜書 卷 楊載書水龍吟
passed the chin-shih civel service examination and was appointed Gentleman for Rendering Service.....more
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清董邦達倣王蒙萬疊芙蓉 軸
province, his style-name was Fu-ts’un and his sobriquet tung-shan. He took his chin-shih metropolitan.....more
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清米漢雯書五言絕句 軸
(modern Peking). The grandson of Mi Wan-chung, he attained the chin-shih civil service degree in 1661.....more
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清董邦達曲院風荷御題 軸
; sobriquet Tung-shan) was a native of Fu-yang, Chekiang. He received his chin-shih civil service degree.....more
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