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共找到 10 筆符合的資料
元趙孟頫書閒居賦 卷
之作,結體整飭,行間疏朗,為深受李北海影響之作品。&*Chao Meng-fu (style name Tzu-ang; sobriquet Sung-hsueh tao-jen.....more
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元趙孟頫書朱子感興詩 卷
Meng-fu's calligraphy for steles rather resembles Li Yung's "Yueh-lu-tzu-lo" script. The present.....more
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元趙孟頫書晝錦堂記 軸
陽修相州晝錦堂記,結體謹飭內斂,筆墨遒勁秀發,通體氣勢暢旺,深受李北海影響。是其逝世前兩年,六十七歲之作。&*Chao Meng-fu (style name Tzu-ang; sobriquet.....more
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元人雜書 卷 康里?致彥中尺牘
草筆意自成一格之面貌,大異其趣。&*K'ang-li Nao-nao (style name Tzu-shan; sobriquets Cheng-chai, Shu-sou, and P'eng.....more
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元趙孟頫書蘇軾西湖詩 卷
高宗,中年以後,小楷法鍾繇,行草師二王、李邕,參以蘇米,筆致秀逸。本卷書蘇軾詩,沉穩中流露俊秀之氣,是六十七歲晚年佳作。&*Chao Meng-fu (style name Tzu-ang.....more
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宋蘇軾書歸去來辭 卷
流露瀟灑奔逸豪邁不羈的氣概。此卷文字意態豐腴,結體穩密,縱筆重,橫筆輕,撇戈筆劃,左伸而右縮,為蘇字特色,然章法整齊,筆力不足,疑為後世倣作。&*Su Shih(style name Tzu-chan.....more
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元人雜書 卷 饒介書中峰幻住像...
name Chieh-chih and sobriquets Hua-kai shan-chiao, Tsui-chiao, and Fu-ch'iu-kung t'ung-tzu.....more
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清董邦達繪高宗御筆四美具贊 軸
失散,乾隆間又陸續轉入青宮,高宗喜此四卷之聚,因作贊並命董邦達繪圖以誌其事。 &* Tung Pang-ta (tzu: Fu-ts’un; hao: Tung-shan), was born.....more
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明唐寅臨水芙蓉圖 軸
masters: in calligraphy he followed Chao Meng-fu, Li Yung and Yen Chen-ching; in painting Chou Ch’en.....more
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