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共找到 153 筆符合的資料
明戴進溪橋策蹇圖 軸
occupies this painting with dense vegetation and trees as well as a stream in the foreground.....more
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明人畫岩壑清暉 冊 明人梅園讀...
tray. The rocks in the foreground of this succinctly arranged composition have been meticulously.....more
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宋燕文貴寒浦魚罾 軸
a scene late in the day during winter. On the foreground bank is an old man working his fishing net.....more
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宋人集繪 冊 無款寒山行旅
claw. The scene is one of solemn desolation as far as the eye can reach. The foreground consists of two.....more
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宋趙伯駒漢宮春曉 軸
. In this painting, green mountains extend in the background while tall pines grow on the foreground.....more
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元盛懋松壑雲泉圖 軸
安(今杭州)人,畫山水宗董巨。今觀此軸之用筆與盛懋不類,較近於晚明吳派作風。&*In the foreground of this painting is an enclosure composed.....more
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明人畫扇面 (乙) 冊 明陸治蘆...
nature, painting, and poetry fuse into one. In the foreground are reeds and grasses blowing in an autumn.....more
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清周亮工集名家山水 冊 明項聖...
excelled at painting flowers, bamboo, trees, and rocks. In the foreground of this painting an old.....more
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清金廷標畫柳陰童戲 軸
layers of distant mountains are half-hidden in mists. Willows grow on a foreground slope. Five.....more
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元倪瓚溪亭山色圖 軸
瓚,字元鎮,號雲林、迂翁。善畫山水,為元四大家之一。 &* The work was donated by Mrs. Lo Chia-lun. Standing in the foreground.....more
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